Getting to Know Vishwanath Srinagesh, M.D.

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Getting to know Vishwanath Srinagesh, M.D. In this video, “Dr. Vish,” a board-certified ophthalmologist specializing in cataract surgery, premium lens implant technology, and vision-enhancing refractive surgery, shares a little about his life journey and what brought him to Ocala Eye.

“Hi, my name's Dr. Vish. I've been at Ocala Eye since 2015,” says Dr. Vish. “My primary medical practice includes customized cataract care, LASIK, and other refractory procedures, as well as the treatment of glaucoma and dry eye.”

“I was born and raised in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and went to college in Upstate New York. I joined the leadership in medicine program, so I was able to get my bachelor's and master's at Union College, and then went to Albany Medical College, where I got my medical degree. Afterward, I decided to specialize in ophthalmology, and joined the Krieger Eye Institute at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.”

“After my residency, I was looking for a job in the southeast. I'm very close to my family, and the job at Ocala Eye opened up. I didn't know much about Ocala, so I came down to visit a couple of times and got a good feel for the area. And more than that, I got a great feel for the practice. I respected the doctors here and felt like they focused on delivering the highest level of care and creating a great patient experience, so it seemed like a good place for me to be.”

“I like to stay active with my hobbies. I played tennis in high school and college, and I keep up with a couple of leagues here, so that keeps me busy. I also like to oil paint. My dad was an engineer, but he's been painting his whole life, and I got started at a pretty early age. And I do a lot of traveling. I recently just got back from a trip to Greece with my family and had an amazing time.”

“My specialty involves utilizing the latest technology for cataract surgery and LASIK and other refractory procedures. I counsel patients on when the right time is for surgery, as well as what procedures will give them the desired visual outcome. What I like most about what I do is being able to have a significant impact on a patient's life in a short amount of time. Vision is a sense that means a lot to us, that we use every day without thinking about it, and being to restore that for a patient makes a big difference in their life and gives us a great deal of satisfaction as doctors.”

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