What is a Pleiadian Starseed?

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Characteristics of Pleiadian Starseeds. Rebecca Hall, Letters to a Starseed. Christine Day, Pleiadian principles for living. Elizabeth April, You're not dying, you're just waking up.
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the picture is really unsettling. I see that at night, I will scream.


I am under my YouTube pseudonym, but I am a 3rd year doctoral student in counseling psychology at the University of North Texas and I love how you started this video. I have always been fascinated about these topics ever since seeing what I could only describe as two ufos when I was on a walk with significant other at the time. Love to see someone in my profession speaking about something like this! Thank you!


I'm a Wanderer (aka "starseed"). Our world and reality is far more bizarre than you can ever imagine. By 2025 the Earth will see and know the truth. Reality and life is beyond any Sci-fi movie ever made.


Hello! I am an empath, Starseed, and Twin. I enjoy your show, but I must offer food for thought. You say Pleiadians have blue eyes and blonde hair, but Starseeds come from all backgrounds. We are Black, Asian, Caucasian, etc. We were different sexes and complexions in past lives as well. There is no one size fits all for any Starseed.


Sadly we are deeply misunderstood 💜🔆💜 people don't understand our energy or our gifts 💜💜


I am a pleiadian and we are in the 9th dimension and have our own branch in Heaven. I've agreed to come here to help humanity against the war with the Eloheim.


Interesting, as far back as I can remember I've always been able to find Pleiades in the sky with no issue. And always have had a weird gazing feeling when I look at it. Before I knew about starseeds years ago I had feelings that I had some sort of connection with Pleiades. And honestly almost every single characteristic and personal traits is spot on with Pleiadian starseeds from this video and others besides very few.


Hmm this sounds a lot like me, although I have green eyes and naturally light brown hair. I'm 173cm tall and my weight fluctuates between 115lbs-130lbs. I don't work out and never go to the gym. I love animals and they seem to love me back. I don't have children of my own but Iike to be around them and can always make them smile. People tell me im incredibly compassionate, generous, and loving.


I wish there were more loving ❤️ people like you


I know I’m a pleidian but the only thing I don’t have is blonde hair & blue eyes — yet I seem very connected to blondies.


All I'm going to say is, I can CONFIRM that Starseeds in general are being discriminated against. It's like humanity knows things that they have no business knowing without the preparation that they need to know them, and choose to act out of fear instead out of love and understanding. Sorry if it seems judgemental, but it's how I honestly feel.


I m a reflexologist, reiki master and have all these characteristics, plus psychic since i was born . A true magnet, especially for animals, done also many past life healings, and so i found out before i even read about starseeds, that i lived and died in Vega, which was destroyed by fire, then incarnated in Pleiades. Had past Lives in Lemuria, Thibet, Egypt, America ..as a Druid in Germany...i recently ordered a Dna test. The strange thing is that i live in Alkyone street...I incarnated with a purpose, i always knew that, i study astrology as well, my dreams, everything proves that these theories are right. Plus, i m born in Greece, the Earth s throat Chakra. Releasing all silence oaths we made in the past. Learning courage....


I've always heard about star seeds and I've never heard about them being taller or any other physical trait it was always more of a mindset.


I always feel attracted towards Orion constellation, I love stars and space fromy childhood and I love researching about aliens and ufos since I was kid, it feels like Earth is not my home you humans are not my family or friends or group i belong somewhere else and I am stuck here


I am a Pleiadian starseed. My Earth (Shan) name is Linnea, though I am known through the galaxies as Commander Ashtaria Krystianna Sheran of Planet Erra.


Very interesting. Don't know where I came from other then my mom an dad. But it is interesting for this is other's experience... I also have those characters. Animals will come up to me and be comfortable. They almost seem as intrigued with me as I them. O negative blood type and blue eye's.
Amazing world and time were all in right now.


Would love to have you on my Mark After Dark Podcast


Thanks for speaking so kindly about my race 🎉 true indeed.


oh yes! dont forget the humor! god bless


im everything but the first two. i am fit now because i manifested it and i have a fast metabolism but i grew up overweight.
