Husky Becomes Obsessed With Homeless Man And Helps Change His Life Forever | The Dodo

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Husky falls in love with man living on the street in Paris — and the result is something no one could have ever imagined 😭💙

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Everyone talks about Sora but can we appreciatte how his owner is such a good dude that made his mission to help his dog's buddy out?? i hope bruno is safe and happy


"I will look for you in every lifetime, and love you in each one of them"


People without homes deserve the most kindness. 99% of the world is one accident or emergency away from being homeless


"Bruno created his own fate by smiling at my dog" and "Trust the judgement of your pets" couldn't be truer words. I hope the best for Bruno.


Its so hard to become "normal" after seeing trauma, homelessness, depression and despair. I hope Bruno gets the help he needs so he can always have a warm place to call home.


I think Sora was his dog in another life. And she still found a way to take care of him in this one 😊


I've never seen this "extended version" of the story. It's much better than the shorter story.


The owner of the dog is the true hero of this story.


I know everyone is hyping up Sora (deservedly so!), but shoutout to her owner! The definition of an angel and real man! WOW!!!


Kudos to Soro' s owner for letting his dog love another person and a homeless one at that. Many people are jealous that their pet likes other people. This owner went many steps further. He is an amazing human being. I hope Bruno was buoyed enough to stay off the streets.


My ex met an older gentleman at Warsaw metro station. He wasn't begging, he had a placket "I'm not asking for money, I'm protesting the situation of homeless people in Poland"
He struck conversation. The man was a musician, he worked as an "instrument tuner" - adjusting the sound and pitch and all that I know absolutely nothing about. He worked for Warsaw philharmonic and his contract included a small, humble but conveniently located apartment. He breathed and lived music. Warsaw philharmonic had a contract with one of the big french city's one, they "rented" their musicians, and he was offered, begged to go - with a raise, and everything. In the meantime, he met a woman - this was a good opportunity to earn money for down payment for an apartment.
Two years went by, he noticed something was wrong with his hearing. He's been ignoring headaches for a year, but hearing was his job security.

Long story short, he had a malignant brain tumour. In the meantime, the woman he was dating told him her family kicked her out due to family dispute about business, she had nowhere to go and no income, having invested everything into working for her family. She promised it'll be all settled, he started sending her money.

The treatment made him loose his hearing. He was slow to admit it, working was what kept him alive. He was forced by the french director to go back to Poland, on a false pretense. He didn't know the law, he didn't have money or health to fight that. After all, his loyalty was to polish employer, right?
He was fired, a disciplinary firing for.. breach of contract, disciplined for betrayal, for "making us look bad overseas". But, he was in remission, one of the lucky few...

The woman, his fiancée, was supposed to pick him and his things up from the philharmonic company apartment.
She never showed up.
He was left with no qualifications other than those relying on sense he almost completely lost (and to add insult to injury, the type of hearing aid that could help him wasn't refunded by polish insurance), little savings. Betrayed by people he trusted most, company he was completely devoted to.
Rest in peace, Piotr.

There will be people ready to pick this man apart for his naivety, for his mistakes, for "not making better choices", but those of us who weren't born into close knit families or life of economic privilege recognise how close we ourselves have been to ending in similar predicament. Illness, job loss, personal betrayal, learned helplessness, surviving years of abuse.. You just don't know anyone's story.
Homeless people are just like you and me, and while painting them all as lazy, stupid, mentally ill addicts who are paying for their poor choices can make us feel safer from the fear that we will share their fate it ultimately reflect on our own humanity.


The internet needs more of these uplifting stories


This man’s life is forever better because of this dog.


If a doogie likes him so much, he has a pure soul😇


The only real power we have is to help eachother.


Dogs know good people, they know bad people, we need to trust our dogs


As someone who has been homeless for most of my adult life it is very nice to see a human being saved.
Like he said " you don't get many opportunities to change another person's life for the better".


I pray Bruno is doing well today, 7 months after this video was posted. ❤️🙏


just tears 😭😭😭😭😭 This was touching. Very very touching. Your might say it was the dog...BUT essentially it was you the owner who trusted your dog and helped the man. THANK you for being kind .


I've seen lots of videos of people rescuing animals and changing their fates. It's remarkable to see one where it was the other way around. Wishing all the best for all involved!
