The ULTIMATE Guide To Air Roll In Rocket League

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The ULTIMATE Air Roll Guide in Rocket League. Today we are focusing on Air Roll, how to improve your Aerial control in rocket league how you to train your Air Roll control. This video has been requested hundreds of times so far and so I am hoping this rocket league Air Roll based video can help you to improve your aerial car control, your air roll control and your rocket league aerial control in general. This video is a training routine that you can use to improve your aerial car control and to help you get on top of your aerial game.

The aerial game in rocket league is one of the hardest parts about the entire game. Understanding how to move your car and how to control your car are two very different things, and today, the aim of this video is to help you learn more about car control and aerial car control in rocket league.

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That's everything from me today.
This has been Thanovic
I'll see ya next time

#RocketLeague #Thanovic #Air Roll
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I got a tip that helped me getting a better understanding of directional air roll.
Go into an aerial shot pack and purposely jump in a way that you wouldn't be able to hit the ball without adjusting, then use air roll to hit the shot. This will take a lot of trial and error, but after doing this for many hours i can confidently say that i still miss open nets.


to all my fellow low rank players.. directional air rolling is a means to get touches and control your car on a different axis than normal air roll..its not to be fancy or have swagg so learn to use it wisely...getting a nice save doing a sick tornado spin is cool but the most important thing is you got the save


For those learning who feel its impossible, keep at it. Everyone felt that way at the beginning and keep in mind it may take weeks before you start to grasp it


When I started focusing on learning air roll, I de-ranked hard. I just used it as much as possible and missed a lot of free aerials in the process. But no regarts, now I can air roll a lot more consistently, yet I’m still no master and still have a lot to learn. Also the biggest thing that helped me was redirects training packs. Idk why but those training pack put so much focus on positioning my car and rotating it. Plus it got me out of air rolling just for style, and got me to air roll for adjustments.


Go into pillars map (or any map) and turn on slow mo. Then practice air rolling and makong adjustmets. Start with just forward and backward adjustments (push up or pull down) depending on where your car faces. Once you learn that it all comes together.
And the slow mo is really helpful. Applying it to normal speed is a piece of cake once you learn slow mo


By far the clearest video I have found as I am at the air dribbling stage. Thank you for such an informative guide, im off to train! 🙏🏽


Was waiting for this tutorial from you for months. Thanks❤


I hope you cover optimal times to use manual over directional.


i saw a video talking about the important movements when using directional air roll. like how to move left and how to move right, and that has really helped me so far because it really summarizes all the complex movements into something basic you can practice a ton.


Big brain tip for learning the directional air roll that is opposite your natural input for normal air roll. It's something I've wondered about, but no one ever mentions. So, as someone who is about to put in time to learn, thanks for confirming my assumption!


always so helpful thanovic, i've been a long time follower and i'm now progression through early champ thanks to you. Big Love <3


Literally just watched the last one 2 days ago and you just uploaded a new one as I was going into rl


Thank you for such a good tutorial, now I feel confident to try air roll for a couple days aaaand once I get tired of trying and failing miserably many times, I'll just give up on air roll like I normally do lol 😂


I always appreciate your tutorials. I’ve decided to start my own channel of myself (plat/ diamond) attempting to improve and get to grand champ (hopefully) through the tutorials of streamers/ training packs/ and free play along with games of course. Looking forward to more of your tutorials!


I just started practicing this recently, and I feel like I've come across a few pieces of knowledge. Though I am only C1, this is how I'm thinking about it:

There seems to be at least 3 phases of competence in DAR:
1. Spinning occasionally - Generally understanding 1 fluid 360 degree motion will have x effect on your positioning and direction. So like down and air roll right (Kuxir Twist) will bring the car to the right and up a little whereas forward and ARR (Reverse Kuxir Twist) will face down and bring the car left.
2. Chained Patterns - Using fluid motions from before in a chain. This also comes with 180 degree rotation patterns that includes starting your pattern when the car's underside is facing the camera. For example, you can start a Kuxir Twist and rotate into a Tornado Spin to make an adjustment or bring yourself around curves. You can do a reverse after the normal (kuxir/tornado) spin immediately after to sometimes fix errors. This is the level I'm currently at and it brings me through most rings map levels.. though not enough for completion. Not a satisfying completion anyway.
3. Full Control - Minor, quick adjustments between patterns and ability to start a pattern from any orientation. Basically, what we see Thanovic doing.

Once I started to think about what effect it had to chain one full rotation with a counterbalanced pattern (kuxir into reverse kuxir for example) or a complementary pattern, my timings on maps improved pretty dramatically. It definitely takes hours on a regular basis to train it though.. and that's not counting the dreaded air rolling air dribble.

I also want to point out that it's not *just* adjustments that it's good for. Adding rotational momentum into the ball keeps your car from bouncing off it as much on impact. It doesn't stop the bounce nearly as much as boosting into the ball but it's still there and not negligible.

I also found the greatest benefit to be for recoveries. I know it's mentioned, but I feel like until you have thousands of hours air dribbling like this the real gold value coming from the training will be to help recoveries. I don't think people should measure their improvement and value of training based on how well they can shoot or air dribble - at least not at first. It's just like eating healthy food. Do you *feel* comfortable in the air? Do you feel better flipping around upside down, inside out, checking out the egg ladies in the stands, then landing on all 4 wheels -only- -to- -miss- -the- -open- -net- ?

God, I'm wordy.. Sorry.


Thank you soo much! This was the video that finally helped me grasp the mechanic.


For anyone new, one thing that is currently helping me figure out control with tornado spin is the idea that if ur air rolling left, then pushing ur joystick right will turn ur car in the direction of ur hood, so if u are really struggling with understanding how to move ur joystick, I started to understand it better when I purely focused on trying to move my joystick right only when the hood rolled into the direction I wanted to go


Air roll is the most over used/improperly used mechanic in the game. Between low Champ and High GC about 90% of people I play with and against seem like they taped down air roll. I've seen so many empty net misses and easy saves whiffed because the player tried to air roll in a situation where it did nothing...except make them miss the ball. It's a important skill to learn if you want to improve but building bad habits can be what gets you hard stuck in a lower rank. When I started playing I would always double jump and it took forever to break that habit. Learning the right way to do something slowly will get you a lot farther than learning the wrong way quickly.


One thing that worked for me instantly was applying GTA flying controls to rocket league.

bind left air roll to LB and right air roll to RB. When flying in rocket league visualise that you are flying a jet. Muscle memory kicks in very fast. Hope this helps !


I already learned how to air roll,
but still watched this video to see if I’m doing something wrong…
(By the way, love your vids Thano)
