I Saw Jesus On Day 38 of a 40 Day Fast | This Is What He Showed Me

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I Saw Jesus On Day 38 of a 40 Day Fast | This Is What He Showed Me

I began a 40 day fast as I was lead by the Lord in April 2023. The entire fast was glorious, seeking God this way helps reduced the clutter and forces you into a place where your flesh bows down to the born again spirit inside of you. While there was a marked increase in my awareness of the presence of GOD the entire 40 day fast seeking His face, it was on day 38 of the fast that I saw Jesus as THE LIGHT OF LIFE on top of a mountain. In the vision of Jesus that God gave me on day 38 of the fast, I saw the lord standing on top of the mountain of transfiguration, BUT IT WASN'T JUST THAT MOUNTAIN. At the base of the mountain where I saw Jesus standing and saying, "come up here," so that I could see Jesus face to face and speak to Him face to face, there was a multitude of people all celebrating. They were so happy to be at the mountain of God, but they didn't want to come up to where Jesus was calling them because they feared they would lose their lives just like when MOSES went up to talk with God face to face at Mount Sinai.

On the 38th day of my fast seeking The Lord the VISION of Jesus was a message from God using the THREE TIMES we see God encountering man on the mountain top after or during a 40 day fast: Moses, Elijah and Jesus.

The revelation (which is what the Word of God already declares) is that JESUS IS THE EXPRESS IMAGE of the invisible God. It was JESUS in the cloud with Moses, and it was JESUS as the manifestation of God's presence speaking with Elijah, and it is no coincidence that Jesus was on the mountain of His transfiguration with MOSES and ELIJAH who represent the Law and The Prophets which CHRIST was fulfilling as IMMANUEL, GOD with us, The WORD Who had become flesh and made His dwelling among us.

When I saw Jesus on top of the mountain during my 40 day fast I knew He was grieving those that would not come up to be with Him because they were afraid to lose their lives for His sake. They wanted a mediator between them and God while JESUS had come to remove every middle man between us and Himself.
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2/11/24: Im 15 years old and scared so much to repent. I know the truth but I am scared of spiritual things. May you yall pray for me to not be afraid and to get the courage to repent.

2/15/24 Edit: Hello everyone, I have just repented and told God that I am a sinner and I asked Him to forgive me. I ask Him to be in my life. Jesus I want your love. Can you please come into my heart. I said I give my life to you. I said please wash me clean with your blood. I want a changed mind and heart. I don’t want to live in sin anymore. Jesus I know you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose on the third day. Jesus I know your word is true. Jesus please forgive me. I said that I love you Jesus. I said I surrender. I said that Jesus I know you are Lord.
I said all of this to God. During all this I cried to Him.
I felt nothing. I didn’t feeling anything. I didn’t feel His love.
What did I do wrong?
I asked Him this
I didn’t get an answer. Am I saved?

2/16/24 **Edit: Thank you everyone for your comments and your prayers. It has helped me learn about Jesus. I now know that I have been forgiven and saved. I have already seen changes. I have had less desire to sin. I don’t have any fear. I am not afraid to seek Him. I have more desire to talk to God. I have more desire to read His word. It is amazing. I know I have already been drawn closer to Him since my repentance last night. We have gotten closer already and we will keep getting closer. I will get to know Lord Jesus better. The Lord has renewed me. I love you Jesus! Thank you for everything!


6/25/24 - Hello everyone. I appreciate you all for all the great messages. I feel like the farthest away from God right now. I don’t even know if God is real anymore. A couple months ago when I believed in God, I always felt so stressed out inside and just didn’t feel right. It’s been more than four months now and I am enjoying life pretty good. I have lots of more friends now and partying a lot. If God was real, I know he would not like this right now. I just feel like I don’t have enough proof for him to be real. If yall could give me some advice that would be amazing. Even though I don’t believe what you guys believe I still respect it a lot. Thank you.


I am ex athiest. I used to mock christians and say it was all just a fairy tale to help people die in peace. Until i overdosed and stood before Jesus. His face is as bright as the sun. I couldnt see any details of his face but i could see his arms were held out like to hug me and they were a dark tan color, not white or black. Which makes sence remembering he was born in the middle east desert!! When he held out his arms the light got brighter and i felt so much love and peace and raw power that i cant even find the right words to describe them. Jesus is God in the flesh. God is a trinity. All power the father has Jesus also has. He has existed with the father since before the earths creation.


I'm 38 years old and I'm on day 9 of my fast. I had a vision where I was at the marriage supper of the Lamb and we were all dressed in white and I was nervous that Jesus would see me because I did not think I deserved to be there cause my past sins were too great. Jesus reached out His right hand and said, "don't worry. I saved you for a reason." Thank you Lord Jesus for washing us in your own blood 🙏 You are worthy!







He just wanted us as a reward for His sacrifice. I cried😭


I'm almost 70 years old, and recently I fasted for 24 hours with no water, It' was the best experience.


The number 38 grabbed my attention. I'm a 57 year old grandmother. During a 38 mile walk home, during the summer of 2022, Jesus carried me. My feet were broken and when I couldn't walk anymore He showed up and lifted me off the ground. Tho I couldn't see Him, I felt Him. I was on my toes walking. Broken toes. It was exactly like the poem, Footprints in the Sand .. tho' I knew it was God's Son. 💛 Tho' I was lost, He led me home. God bless.


God delivered me and made me realize that i was following the wrong path and the wrong religion he showed me how demonic Hinduism is and showed me how holy the Lord Jesus is amen 🙏


im going on to a 3 day fast. my first fast ever. please pray for me that i beat the evil one .


I believe that a 40 day fast must be called by the Lord. A person cannot do that out of their own idea. It has to be spirit lead. You are a blessed man. Thanks for sharing. I want the same.


My body has been screaming at me lately to stop eating sugar. I had an episode several years ago that was sugar related. My doctor put me on a no sugar diet. It worked and I fell back into my old habits. I started yesterday with little to no sugar. Please pray for me that I make it through this over the next couple weeks or so and more so after I get through this that I don't fall back. Thank you all so much!


Honestly Jesus walked into my living room a couple months ago.. He talked me outa killing myself .. i wasnt on alcohol or anything, THIS REALLY HAPPENED! It Changed my life.


Jesus saved my life after 34 years of mocking him and his people. I was overflowed with love for 6 months after the encounter with Jesus and he changed my life forever in just 1 second. He is the most high, truly the forgiver of sin . He is my redeemer he is my king he is my everything! I had to leave everything behind to chase him. Narrow road indeed! We love you Jesus!


I started fasting genuinely. I prayed everyday for the Lord to renew my heart. Honestly, I didn't know how that will happened but I kept asking and believing. On day 6 of my 21 days fasting, I remember saying a short prayer and slept after mid night, then out of nowhere my heart was filled by overflowing water but full of calmness only on my left side where the heart is, it was like washing and calming me the same time, it was very fulfilling and peaceful, once everything was done. I woke up and I knew God did what I asked I could feel it, I looked at the time and it was 3:16 a.m my praying time. I kneeled down full of thanksgiving and I was not able to sleep until 5 a.m. The following day I knew and felt like I was a new person, even the pain I had around my left breast was gone. I praise the Lord for renewing my heart.


I came to Christ as an adult. In 2011, I had a Supernatural experience with Jesus after a 3-day fast. He humbled me as I challenged Him to put me down on my knees. He did.... in the most immense loving way as if I landed on a cloud. To me, when they say He is alive, is not metaphorically speaking. He is literal... tangibly real.


I know this is truth based on experience. The Lord lead me to fast. I've tried fasting before for selfish reasons, and I wasn't successful. The time I was lead by the Lord, resulted in blessing. And most of all a closeness to the Lord I hadn't experienced before since the day of my salvation. Thank you for your wisdom Jonathan.


My marine ( injured badly) hubby was visited by our lord and savior Jesus Christ almighty 🙏🏽✨God knows I’m speaking the TRUTH.✨
My hubby cried out for healing FOR YEARS AND YEARS. One night at 2AM- my hubby was awakened by a WARM GLOW AND LIQUID LOVE CAME FLOWING ON HIS BODY. Sparks of light came flowing towards him and he exclaimed “honey, my arms instantly went up and I began praising JESUS and honey, I think I was speaking in tongues”!!! 🙏🏽✨💯🤩This happened 3 nights in a row!!! God knows I’m telling the truth!!! I’ve been Gods girl since birth. My life has been one great big huge challenge and now i know why!!! FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!! We have been in training!! Joshua 1:9-
Be courageous!!! Be strong in the lord!! Hard times are coming to America. I had a knowing!! Three n u c lear bom bs hit america 🙏🏽✨ it’s coming!! Do not fear. We are covered in the blood of Jesus 🙏🏽✨✨✨


Blessed evening everyone,

Me and my christian friend we are on a 7 days fast today is the 4th day plss pray for us that Holy Spirit may guide us and God will give us strength.

Thank you brothers and sisters


This is very true. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit when He asks us to fast. This will be my 3rd week of fasting. Last week i went back to my mum's house & she is a staunch buddhist. Her house quite oppressed but i heard the Lord says "i am the atmosphere & i brought the atmosphere to this house". The next day i was led by the HS minister to my eldest brother who has been against Christianity all these years but he accepted Christ as his Lord & Savior. This truly an unexpected miracles for me. Thank you Jesus.



I am from Poland, I lived 9 years in uk, When i felt very lonely, I heard voice God in my flat, His voice was nice and quiet, whispering.
He told me "I am with you, I hear all your prayers, lean on me.
God is still with us, especially in the pain of loneliness, He is lonely because we leave him
