Ask Dr. Yo: why do my chronic dizziness symptoms keep going up and down? Am I doing something wrong?

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Don't panic! Ups and downs ("dips") in symptoms are a totally normal part of recovery. Watch to find out why it's normal, and to learn three reasons why they occur - often when there's no obvious stress in your life.

00:00 Intro
02:14 Threat mode drives prediction errors
06:14 Reason 1 - errors in immediate threat prediction
08:57 Reason 2 - your stress bucket is overflowing and overreactive to normal daily stress
11:15 Reason 3 - cumulative physiologic changes in the body trigger an overly sensitive threat response system
14:15 You don't have to know which stressor triggered the dip
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Hello yonith, how long, right? I prefer not to talk or look at anything about dizziness; but I think I owe it to you and if you want to leave the information in the community that I think will cure me completely; I had an up and down in August because my father died. .. but after 3 years of suffering I can say that I am cured; I no longer even use a cane for fear of falling; I hope that dizziness never returns to my life... a yonith hug and if I could, everyone can.


I stil have head pressure, brain fog and balance issues, but I'm super grateful I haven't had anymore violent episodes of vertigo. I pray those episodes never return 🙏


I wanted to let you know how much you have helped me. My symptoms started almost exactly one year ago with a nasty bout of BPPV. After about 6 weeks, my symptoms were improving when suddenly they took a turn for the worse. What I realized after I started watching your channel is that these renewed symptoms were most likely caused by the sudden loss of a very close family member. For the next 5 months I struggled with dizziness, brain fog, etc. After finding your videos and learning about the impact of unresolved emotional issues on my symptoms, I started to deal with the pent up grief that I had unconsciously been repressing. Once I recognized and began dealing with my loss, I started improving immediately. I went through the ups and downs just as you described in this video. I rarely experience any symptoms at this point, with the exception of minor issues when a major low pressure weather system moves through the area. It took about 10 months in total, but I consider myself 99% 'cured', and I cannot thank you enough!


I love your message! I am in the most difficult place right now with PPPD, following a recent Ménière’s attack. I’ve had Ménière’s for 25 years, but only formally diagnosed in the last 2 1/2 yrs, after 4 wrong diagnoses.
Constant dizziness, headaches, pressure, tinnitus and visual problems are 24/7. But your channel is really helping me to understand how I can look to the future to get better. Exercising everyday, going to physiotherapy and really starting to understand how my mind and body 0:17 need to better understand each other, is pointing me in the right direction. I’m fortunate that I am retired and can spend time on myself now, can’t imagine this if I was dealing with kids and a career! Keep it coming Dr Yo !


This video has come at the perfect time for me. Had a few good days (still dizzy but not as noticeable). Today has been annoying with symptoms I haven't had for a while returning and I felt very disappointed for reacting with panic and anger towards myself.


Yes! I see my symptom flares as the lovely neural connection my brain has made when I am feeling stressed. Whereas I used to get stomach upset or have muscle tension when stressed, now my brain says, “Slow down! You are stressed! I’m going to make you dizzy to slow you down!” I’m grateful for this channel and all the great information. I’ve managed to reduce my fight/flight response significantly. I just tell myself, “This too shall pass.” When I’m focused on other things (life activities), my symptoms are hardly noticeable. Thank you! ❤


I appreciate your content so much! I rationally know what you’re saying is true, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the stress of dizziness that we quickly spiral back into panic and danger mode. Dizziness is just SO horrible. Thank you for the great reminders in this video. You’re so knowledgeable, and frankly just awesome!


It’s going in a year and a half for me with the dizziness, the neurologist finally said that I have vestibular migraine. They put me in an antidepressant but it’s not working I’ve had severe dizziness for three weeks straight. I’m going back to neurologist on April 16. Thank you your videos have been so helpful I just want to be better just like everybody else. Thank you for all your support


Can these “dips” happen even when we aren’t stressed and have been feeling better mentally and stress wise? Also thank you. I love your videos, I always feel better after I watch a video. You bring me so much comfort 🙏🏼💛


Just to express how grateful I am for giving me hope and understanding ..


OMG I feel like comming home and finally beeing understood! 5 months after massive car accident still struggling with diziness, vertigo and constant confusement. I feel like someone finally named it whats wrong with me and even has an explanation for it. I wonder how doctors might have NO IDEA about it and say we are all fine and simulating.


Is the light headedness same as dixxiness? What about the sensory issues that come with dysautonomia?


Wow, Dr. Yo, it's like you are reading my mind! I came here because I am in a dip. And before I could even search in your videos for something to help, this video pops up! I haven't even watched it all yet but I had to comment because I'm kind of gobstopped. You ROCK!!!


I am so greatful for all your effort and work. I am still on my way to recovery and I can say that your chanel is a real miracle to me. Thank you!


Amazingly helpful, thank you so much for this! I've been at this for so long and you helped me see that my biggest stressor is ME and how I relate to myself, my desires and life choices! Now can you please put out a video on how to reprogram that unkind self-treatment without resorting to a lobotomy 😅🌺


Thank you. I am always on high alert panic mode with my new hearing loss, tinnitus and imbalance brought on by Minere’s disease. Trying to stay positive. 😢


I don’t know what’s wrong with me…

I’ve been dizzy for ten months straight, 24/7! I’ve had an MRI scan, blood tests, VNG, Caloric testing, eye tests, and BPPV tests and everything is okay.

Yet I’m still dizzy.

My symptoms are: feeling like I’m rocking in a boat 24/7.
Visual troubles such as seeing objects moving or shifting when they should be still. Words moving when reading, feeling like I can’t focus my eyes on an object for a long time.
Rocking when I’m lying down or sitting still.
Trampoline walking.
Headache and head pressure.
Sinuous pressure.
Ear fullness.
My right ear makes strange noises that aren’t tinnitus but like it’s trying to flush itself. I can feel it doing it too so it’s a physical sensation.

But I will say I’m anxious because I have this, NOT that anxiety made me dizzy.

I just don’t know what to do. My family just start arguing with me when I bring it up.

I match no diagnosises beyond spontaneous MddS or Vestibular migraines yet my symptoms are 24/7 and not episodic.

Can anyone, please, relate to this?


All i can continually say is thank you. You are spot on about the dips. They can really get you down by thinking I'm back to square one, but after a few years of dips, I'm coping better.


My MdDS continues to kick up a notch about every two weeks or so. It rarely goes back to any improvement level. Have had it for 7 months. Love your videos and course!
Please advise. Thanks!


I just signed up for your courses after watching so many of your videos. I have suffered with dizziness for 4 years now and seen all the specialists. My neurologist is sending me to a pain management dr. since she thinks my migraines and dizziness may be from arthritis and stenosis seen from MRI. I think its a new rabbit hole for me to venture down and still find no relief. I am hoping your courses help!! thank you for all the information.
