Android 13 Developer Preview 2 Video Review

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Android 13's 2nd Developer Preview version Android 13 Developer Preview 2 has been released. Our Android 13 Developer Preview 2 Review video was also published with it. In this video, we showed the Android 13 Developer Preview 2 features that we talked about in the previous article with a video.

More than 20 features have been added to the Android system with Android 13 Developer Preview 2. In addition, this version is much better than the Android 12 and Android 12L versions released to Google Pixel devices in terms of stability. Android 13 Developer Preview 2 release is the last Developer Preview release before Beta 1 release in April. There will be more serious changes from now on. These changes will be stabilization and adding new features, not interface changes. Google makes a design change every 2 or 3 Android versions. Since Android 12 is still newer, these changes will not occur.

Android 13 Developer Preview 2 Features

If we need to take a look at the features that come with Android 13 Developer Preview 2, this is how it is.

Foreground Services (FGS) Task Manager

Notification Permission

New Music Player Notification Design

Show Touches while Recording Option is Returned

Do Not Disturb renamed to Priority Mode

New Vibrate First Then Ring Gradually Feature

App Based Language Switcher

Removed App Icons from DND Priority App Settings

New Display Size and Text Menu

New Search in Settings Menu

Android Tiramisu renamed to Android 13

New Screen Saver Menu

New User Creation Menu

New Follow and Type Option inside Magnifier

QR Reader is working now

Bluetooth LE & MIDI 2.0 Support

New Emoji Format – COLRv1

Fixes & Improvements for non-Latin Languages
New taskbar
Under hood improvments

To use Android 12 Developer Preview 2, you must have a Google Pixel 4 or newer Google Pixel device. If you have another device, you can try Android 13 GSI software from different developers.
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