Mose - Cacao Dance @ Eagles Nest Atitlán

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Next dates at Eagles Nest:
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Saturday, 27 January 2024

Eagles Nest Atitlán

This is a live set filmed in December, 2019. The journey starts just before sunset with a simple cacao ceremony to set intentions and drop deeper into presence and inner silence. Cacao (the main ingredient in chocolate) helps to open the heart and provides energy in the form of theobromine, literally meaning "food of the Gods". In honor of worldwide Ecstatic Dance guidelines, the group is led into a space of silence through the rest of the event with the intention to deepen the experience and allow each individual to connect more deeply inside while honing the ability to connect with others through eye contact and movement. The participants are asked to refrain from consuming any other substances and no alcohol is served with the intention to tap into deep states of consciousness without the need of hard drugs and the inebriation of alcohol.

The music starts slowly to invite people into their bodies as they feel inspired, while allowing others to stay seated in meditation or contemplation. The music slowly builds through the experience and peaks with full ecstatic movement. The wave then washes over with a slower more spacious energy to drop deeper into spaciousness and introspection until finally ending lying on the ground with soft ambient music to hold the space for integration and grounding.

There are many of us now all around the world who can attest to the depth of experience available to us on a dance floor surrounded by beautiful, free spirited, open hearted people. Combine that with the magic of cacao and breathtaking scenery and you have a recipe for magic.

*The normal guidelines include the prohibition of cameras and cell phones in the dance space to nurture a space of freedom and to let go of our need to document and share all of our experiences. For this particular event we made an exception in hopes to give a glimpse into this expansive world.

About the Space:
Set near the shores of renowned Lake Atitlán (Guatemala), Eagle’s Nest is a distinguished intentional hosting space for events, retreats, residencies, community hosting, workshops & summits. With a focus on movement arts (yoga, aerials, acrobatics, circus, dance) to foster well-being, guests are invited to explore, experiment and soar beyond! Groups of up to 24 can be hosted on-site for retreats, whilst up to 200 participants for events.

What is a "Live Set"?
This set was performed live. I have a collection of loops he has produced/recorded/gathered through my various collaborations which I mix live along with instrumentation and vocals from my friends who joined me for this event. The loops are all from completed tracks but due to the live nature of the set, the tracks manifest in a totally new and unique way according to the energy of the moment and the weaving of the collaborators. It allows for a degree of improvisation and feedback just not possible with a regular DJ set.

Track List
00:00 The Hanuman Project - Semilla Pura (Mose Remix)
11:15 Sam Garrett & Mose - Om Ganesha
22:45 Lunar Symphony & Mose - Déjame Caer
34:46 Curawaka - Te Nande (Mose Remix)
52:23 The Hanuman Project - Radhe 54 (Mose Remix)
1:05:27 Matia Kalli & Mose - Cura Corazón
1:16:52 The Hanuman Project & Mose - Vem Mae Natureza
1:29:15 Poranguí - Tonantzin (Mose Remix)
1:52:54 Raio - Cuñac (Mose Remix)
2:05:31 Sam Garrett & Mose - Higher (Heartbeat Mix)


Matia Kalli
Pavan (The Haunuman Project)

Karavan Sarai (oud, saz, vocals)
Kulam Project (percussion, vocal effects)
Yemanjo (trumpet)

Plaga Studios

Anti Logic Mastering

Momentom Collective


And of course thanks to my incredibly supportive familia of friends in San Marcos, all of the travelers who come through here from all around the world, and all of the local Mayan residents for welcoming us onto this land.
#mosemusica #EcstaticDance #LiveSet
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3년 동안 이 영상을 봤습니다
국적과 언어 인종을 떠나
모든 사람이 평화롭고 행복하길 바래요
가진것이 별로 없는 제 삶에 이 음악과 영상은 사랑입니다❤


I miss these people. I miss the world. I miss Dance. I miss feeling. I miss feeling with another person. Im so grateful to be able to watch this beautiful video. One Dance is every Dance, all over the world. Beautiful big hearts and big smiles. This is nourishing me in ways I can't explain. Real tears right now. <3 May everyone including myself grow happy, healthy, and kind. May we be more compassionate towards each other. May we rest now, hear our calling, answer it and go inward, or off into the world... as we hear our call. And when this worldly initiation is complete, may we walk out stronger, healthier, happier than ever. May our lives after the coronavirus be beyond anything we could have imagined. May it be so beautiful that we can't but help believe that we have support in other realms. I'm ready for this. I'm ready to turn more inward than I have, hear my call, and then answer it. And I can't wait to see you guys when we're ready to step back into the world, renewed.


This is my third time watching this video all the way through. This video will be played at least once a week.


Coming back to this song 4 years later as I found it when I was going through truly a rough time.
A time where I didn’t know when to dance in the rain.
4 years later me and my baby boy who is 18 months just get so happy to hear this.

This has always made me feel free.
Like I am there
I truly am so grateful for music, for people.
But thank you x100 for making this and capturing the beauty
Sending everybody love and light


Can’t wait to be in one of those! Que la Bendición de la Madre Divina sea con todos! 💖🦋🌙


ive been watching this clip for almost a year now! always makes me happy and joyful ❤ keep on dancing and bringing happiness to this world... sending lots of love to everyone who needs some right now


This is what HEAVEN looks like. ONENESS.


This is unity in diversity. This is it and this is why we are here.


Eu amo esse video inteiro! há uns 3 anos atrás assisti pela primeira vez e desejei muito dançar no cacau dance com Mose! Feito realizei aqui em Itacaré/Bahia/Brasil > Mas foi através desse video que percebi a minha grande vontade de conhecer a Guatemala, então em breve estarei no cacao dance in guatemala com Mose e as minhas amigas (viajaremos juntas) puro amor! escrevo hoje em novembro de 2024.❤


My dream is to dance with this all beautiful Souls ❤


Im in love. Thank you. My living room became a paradise full of beautiful people flowing to the music with me.


Its so simple, everyone should do this, everyday, everywhere


after i learned about spiritual awakening, i always listened to this kind of sounds


Medicine for the heart...our souls...humanity so deeply needs...oneness...break our hearts open from the illusion we are seperate ...against each other..
But here to celebrate the divinity within us all 🌹❤


This is amazing. People enjoying life, being happy, expressing without judgment or criticism, a place of awareness and lack of ego to bring about unity. I hope one day I can visit and travel the world and go to things like this either as a participant or a DJ. Anyway, I hope everyone has the best day, prospers greatly, and is resilient in their health and attitudes and persona! Blessings to y'all~


Absolutely mesmerizing set! You can feel the love and energy flowing through this beautiful blend. Thanks for sharing this incredible experience on video 🌿💃🏽


I feel you. I am feeling with you. I hear you. I am listening with you. I see you. I am seeing with you. You breathe. I am breathing with you. You decend. I decend with you. You ascend. I ascend with you. You dance. I am dancing with you. You sing. I am singing with you. You are loving. I am loving with you. 🤲🙏


Infinite Gratitude, Love, Peace, Protection and Wholeness 🕊 ❤️‍🔥 🤙


❤❤Always different view on this video. I play it to help me to get into dance mood. It resonates with my natural playful loving me and there were times few years ago when i looked it and notice this parent ego state... Through my victim self. I always love putting it on ans remember different layers within. Now I feel like joining in.


Grattitude to you all beautiful beings evolving! We are dancers
