Plastic grass paver,grass paver,plastic grid paver,plastic gravel stabilizer,plastic lot grid
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Best Quality and Best Price For plastic lot grid Manufacturer In China
DAMIENVIRO Plastic grass paver Advantages:
1/Environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-polluting, impact-resistant, anti-aging, anti-ultraviolet.
2/Good wear resistance, corrosion resistance and flame retardancy, strong grass planting function.
3/Reduce ground reflection and reduce ground heat radiation.
4/Reduce ground sound wave transmission and reduce noise pollution.
5/Reduce dust and purify the air.
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DAMIENVIRO Plastic grass paver Advantages:
1/Environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-polluting, impact-resistant, anti-aging, anti-ultraviolet.
2/Good wear resistance, corrosion resistance and flame retardancy, strong grass planting function.
3/Reduce ground reflection and reduce ground heat radiation.
4/Reduce ground sound wave transmission and reduce noise pollution.
5/Reduce dust and purify the air.
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