Celtic Music - Land of the Free

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This song is set between "Prophecy" and "For the King" in the middle of the Celtic saga.

As always, 100% self-composed on keyboard and guitar.
The picture is an artwork from the book "Phantom". All rights to the artwork belong to its owner.

© Copyright of all audio belongs to Adrian von Ziegler.
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i still dream of living in a place where humanity has not yet destroyed nature, to live in harmony with nature and my fellow man, to farm the land and thrive as a villager in a small medieval village... and it kills me to know that i will most likely never see that dream come true...


Let me guide you my brothers to the Land of the Free.
Here you see the river Alios that is flowing down slowly and peacefully in the outskirts of this city. Kids are playing at the riverbank, not afraid of anything, nothing to care their minds with. This city as you see has no walls, no protective walls whatsoever. No one fights here, no one steals, there are no criminals, there is only happiness, hope, joy for everything that exists. People don't try to take everything, they live with what they need and thus they are happy. From here on you can go anywhere you want, anywhere you like, lie down and sleep beneath a tree, start running in the fields, climb a hill and sit there to watch the sunset. From here on you can do anything. From here on, you are free.


A warrior proud of his homeland, enjoying the beautiful view with it's art and culture.
home sweet home...


You come to us from another time :-)
Old souls that we are.
You brought me home once more.


This will be played at my wedding. Mark my words.


A country of freedom where all are equal and all who choose peace is a realm where all can be welcomed. Very excellent song 🙌🏻🙌🏻


This is very beautiful, calming, wonderful and AMAZING music. When I listen to this music I can imagine a free land with no king, only good, brave people living in this land. everyone live together in peace and harmony of nature. There are also here no wars, no quarrels or conflicts, there is no problem at all.
or a free kingdom with a good and righteous king and people all living together in peace and in harmony against the nature. There are no wars, no quarrels or conflicts, there is no problem at all.


I got a vision of myself after my family is gone and I'm an old man with long white hair and a beard I live in solitude in the mountains away from modern society looking at the view of nature reflecting on my life and the wonderful memories I've had and I die peacefully in nature.


My favorite song by one of my favorite composers... so beautiful...


This is just the most beautiful piece of music I heard in years!  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Adrian!


I have never been so moved by music. My grandfather was of Galloglaigh descent. A mixture of Norse/Scottish, as well as Irish. This instantly makes me remember him. Thank you Adrian, I don't think I cried at his funeral. I was too busy trying to be stoic. This made me cry, in a great great way. I love you grandpa. This music is beautiful.


I just want to find out the Land of the Free, a wonderful place where dreams come true. Right now I am completely sure where this Land is... IT IS WITHIN MY HEART! I only open the door and a new amazing world has been made for me. Meditation is the answer! Thank you Consciousness and Light Masters! EGA2


I know you told us many times that we can use your music as long as we give credit, so i would like to thank you for making such beautiful music, and letting fans like us use it in our works.

I will be using this song in my animation, and i will credit you of course.


This is my favourite song in the world, I feel like it's speaking to me and guiding me on the right path to heal the environment. Thank you!


Adrian von Ziegler this is one of your best tracks.


"absurdly beautiful" - the perfect comment Dani.
Magical, miraculous, superb, ... are words that can not sufficiently express feelings that this music finds


Land of the Free... Home of the Brave...


Rinion stood atop the highest tower in Erytos, gazing around at the beauty of nature. Birds circled the structure, singing their odes to their world. Mountains to the East stretched as far as the eye could see, into dwarven kingdoms. Forests to the South held adventures never told of before. To the North, the Wildlands were healing quickly, and to the West, the vast sea churned.
So much to see, thought Rinion.
He was finally free.
A bit from my novel.


i cry inside my self....i feel free now...!!! <3


How you can make these beautiful cues open our mind is beyond words. There is a special place for you in all our hearts. It's not a king or president that us happy, it is you.
