Do These 3 Things DAILY If You Have Leaky Gut

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Leaky gut can’t be fixed by diet alone! Gut health is largely affected by a combination of your lifestyle habits and nutrition. If you want to heal a leaky gut, It’s important to do these three things DAILY. Watch now!

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➡️The 4 MOST Effective Leaky Gut Treatments:
➡️A Simple & Effective Leaky Gut Repair Protocol:
➡️Healing Leaky Gut & Inflammation with Dr. Jockers:
➡️This Leaky Gut Diet Fixes the Root Cause of Poor Gut Health:
➡️The Do's & Don'ts of Gut Health: Insights from New Research:

And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!

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Featured Studies
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📉A polyphenol-rich dietary pattern improves intestinal permeability, evaluated as serum zonulin levels, in older subjects:
📉Probiotics fortify intestinal barrier function:
📉Randomised placebo-controlled trial of dietary glutamine supplements for postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome:
📉Chronic stress primes innate immune responses in mice and humans:

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DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment.

*Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.
Рекомендации по теме

do you find that patients with dairy sensitivity can tolerate the Colostrum? I'm reading warnings on bottle labels about dairy issues...


Dear Dr. Ruscio, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your incredible help in managing my gut issues. Your willingness to share valuable information is truly appreciated.


Hi Dr. Ruscio, thank you for your content! I'm from Brasil and since i've finished my treatment on H. Pylori on march i've been following the treatment for leaky gut and IBS, feeling normal, been able to eat without pain, after two months. Your videos has been very important for me, along with other doctor's content from Brasil that shows the benefits from taking probiotics (i've been taking saccharomyces boullardi 10 billion and lactobacillus and bifido- 6 billion per day), glutamine, fiber and low FODMAPS. This has been helping me. I did took enzymes too, but i've stopped now, its been weeks, and im doing fine. Im very grateful for your work. Thank you.


Diet: Fish.
Fish from farms are not any good, they are fed with GM corn/soy etc and the process includes plastic liners and many plastic stuff (BPA for ex), so there is a contamination as well with micro and nano plastics.
Fish from the sea: contaminated with heavy metals, besides the overfishing of the oceans.
There are very few places where local people can get good and clean fish but for the majority of us that is not an option, please take this onto consideration Dr. Ruscio.
On probiotics, just an anecdotal info: kefir from goat's milk has a better positive effect in my gut than the one made with cow's milk. Here (MX) goat milk at farmers' market is not expensive by the liter $1.6 vs $1.3 for cow's milk (US dollar).
On sleep: Taking sunshine early in the morning, Vit D3, , Vit K2, Magnesium Bisglycinate has done wonders to me (Zinc from food mostly).
Thank you for the video.


I'm finally seeing amazing results in my daughter's acne issues. I reinstated the emergency doses of probiotics (50b), and her skin is clearing up, even during and before her periods. I equate the acne issues with her gut health no matter what other good signs I see or hear from her regarding her gut health. For me, her skin really reflects what her gut health really is.
As without, so within. Just as her skin is the barrier to the external environment, so is her gut lining the barrier to her internal organs and the food being digested with every good and bad thing surrounding and in the food. I'm beginning to see a correlation between these two organs, skin and gut lining. The blemishes might represent scaring that is not quite healed internally, too. Whatcha think Doc?😊


We need more doctors like you, truly! No other doctor lays it out this well and in such a hollistic way, those other stupid doctors think prescribing a pill will make everything go away.


Alcohol is one of the worst possible things for leaky gut.


I kept thinking you were saying "random ass control trials" 😂😅


One of your best so far. Just perfect. Thank you so much for your excellent, clear and evidence based information 🙏


In your book you talk about too much bacteria in your gut, so adding fermented foods at the onset could cause more harm than good. With this am glean that once you heal your intestinal lining, you can go back to fermented foods>
Might you help me understand this?


C'mon Tim; People suddenly go blind in large groups for no reason all the time.


Hello Dr. Ruscio. Thank you for your amazing work. I am starting your protocol now. Should I take all the 3 probiotics at the same time?


Thnx, awesome recommendations!
Two Qs:
- Does Glutamine have to be taken on empty stomach, or is it OK to take in a food/smoothie? How about Coffee?
- COLOSTRUM - same deal, can it be taken with food, or empty stomach?
Thnx Dr Ruscio :)


Excellent info!! Thanks also for explaining what a serving is. ❤


What about butyrate, phosphatidylcholine and curcumin? Don't these suptanses have value in healing leaky gut?


in your probiotics chart of blend types... are these the only blend types? which type would you categorize L. Reuteri ?


I seriously love this man! Thank you for all the work you are doing. Love from India

We also have many fermented foods across the country and because of videos like this I started to incorporate to my regular diet


Nice video! If you have histamine-related issues, should you still take probiotics?


Taking probiotic medicines make me more bloated, I have chronic constipation and bloating, anxiety, palpitations and tremors for about ten years and nothing has worked for me yet, what’s the solution?


Can casein and/or lactose sensitity be a problem with keifer consumption
