Is It Possible to Convert Trump Supporters with Facts?

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--Caller wonders if Trump supporters can be persuaded by reason

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If facts mattered to them, they wouldn't be Trump supporters in the first place.


I recently was spending the day with one of my family members who is a Trump supporter. We were talking about Trump at one point during the day. That person absolutely refused to believe in any actual facts. Even when I was talking about the proposed trumpcare facts, they still refused to acknowledge that. To that person trump was only a victim, that people were not giving him a chance, and that facts were equal to opinion, and that we both only had "opinions". Even when I said that I'm not talking about opinion but actual facts they just said "That's just your opinion." I eventually said we shouldn't talk about it anymore, then we went on having a good day the rest of the day. But it's sad how willfully ignorant your average trump supporter is.


No. Point out Trump lies, they bring up Clinton emails.


The ONLY thing that sways Conservatives is being PERSONALLY affected negatively by Conservative policies.


Is it possible for mankind to walk on the sun without dying?


You start with a handicap because they are already Republicans, so they have a disconnect with reality. I was trying to explain to someone the other day that the way to keep costs down was to have everyone in the same pool and they couldn't grasp the concept. I explained that Social Security only works because you pay into it for your whole life. If you waited until you were retiring to contribute it wouldn't exist. Health Care is the same. If you don't pay into it until you think you're going to need it, then the pool is too small to support it at a reasonable cost. It's not rocket science.


no, because anyone with any common sense wouldn't vote for him in the first place, it's not like he was hiding his idiotic personality.


I gave upon voting after the year 2000. I used to be an Independent and I stopped voting because I know nothing is going to change for the better and I resent that all of these politicians come up to me every 4 years and try to bribe me into voting for them. They all failed me so I don't vote anymore. No reason for me to waste my time on voting. It's meaningless. Politics is all about big money. Whoever has the most money wins the election.


To Trumpists: *_You can't handle the truth!_*


Trump voters in West Virginia cheered Bernie at a townhall when he talked about healthcare, so there are definetly some that can be swayed.


It's possible you just have to be patient and armed with facts and a knowledge of what they believe. Already convinced 4 Trump supporters that progressive values are the way to go.


Yes, but it ain't easy and requires patience


It takes alotta time and only those who are patient should attempt this but the answer is absolutely yes.
Of you can convert a Klansman, you can flip a Trumplet.


No, it isn't possible to convert them with reason, most likely because they would have used their common sense, best judgment, intuition and instincts (and maybe life experiences and ideology) to come to the conclusion that Trump is great, a statement which FEELS true to them. As in, they would have used the irrational bits of their brain (NOTE: by irrational I do NOT mean crazy, I mean not the slower working rational parts), instead of the thinking, researching, rational thought part of their brain to reach their conclusion. Also, there is a slight problem that left and right supporters define what is moral differently (i.e.: it is immoral to not help someone vs it is immoral to force someone to do/buy something (so in this case, healthcare mandate or taxes to fund healthcare)? A rational or reason-based argument would not work, because you would need to figure out HOW their common sense got them to their conclusion, probably using a more irrational or emotional argument.


"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."


The supporters of Kim Jung Orange are beyond helping, beyond rational argument, beyond critical analysis. They have been conned but have invested so much in Mango Mussolini


NOPE. Instead of wasting time doing that, i've managed to learn two new languages. And NO, they don't understand reason and facts through those languages, either.


Trump supporters in West Virginia applauded Bernie Sanders at a town hall.


sadly no, the only way to get to them is if his policies affect them, they are very selfish people who support bullying other people.


Facts are to trump supporters as to what the EPA is to oil companies - Something that's in the way, and going to hurt them in the long run.
