New Deep Learning Models for Natural Language Processing

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Alexander Wolf, Data Scientist at Dataiku, has developed a translator for our team and clients using a new neural network architecture called the Transformer. Unlike traditional translator models, this one solely focuses on attention instead of recurrence and develops powerful NLP models in a fraction of the training time.
Alex explains how he built the translator, gives a live demo, and discusses how the Transformer is able to overcome pitfalls of RNN models.

Alex Wolf, Data Scientist at Dataiku:

Alex is a Data Scientist at Dataiku, working with clients around the world to organize their data infrastructures and deploy data-driven products into production. Prior to that, he worked on software and business development in the tech industry and studied Computer Science and Statistics at Dartmouth College. He's passionate about the latest developments in Deep Learning/Tech and works at enriching Dataiku's NLP features.
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