A Traditional New England Christmas Home tour 2020. Our 1836 Colonial home

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A new Traditional and classic Christmas Home Tour 2020. Come take a peek inside our 1836 Colonial home all dressed up for our Traditional New England Christmas Home tour for the 2020 season. I'm sharing several of our unique, yet classic, Christmas trees decorated to complement each room.

We have a dried fruit, cinnamon ornaments, and copper cookie cutters on our kitchen Christmas tree, foxes, hounds, horses and mice adorn our hunt theme tree, which is in our New England style sitting room, the Christmas tree in our historic maritime room was decorated to blend well with an oil painting, and the Christmas tree in our family room is decorated with vintage and sentimental family ornaments.

I have more Christmas trees in the home, but I think that's enough to share, at least for now. I hope you will feel like you are seeing one of those beautiful homes you might see in a home and lifestyle magazine.

If you like the Grand Millenial Style, Traditional Decorating, Classic Interiors, and a blend of old and new, then I think you might enjoy our Christmas house tour.

Most of the rooms I have simplified my Christmas decorating from the past and used a lot more natural decor such as dried fruits, fresh evergreens, ivy, and rose hips from the yard on our on our trees and garlands.

Crimson, Cranberry, and Red are the Traditional Christmas color I used a lot of in this Christmas Home Tour.

If you enjoy YouTube videos like Martha Stewart videos, the vintage Martha Stewart shows, I hope you will enjoy my home and lifestyle YouTube channel New England Fine Living where I hope to inspire others to enjoy fine living, simple pleasures, and a life well lived, no matter how simple or grand. .





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Please keep in mind that New England Fine Living may receive commissions when you click any links and make purchases, but the prices listed are not increased. It is part of how I help support our family. However, this does not impact my reviews and comparisons and I will only share what I like or would like myself. I try my best to keep things fair and balanced, in-order-to help you make the best choice for you.

New England Fine Living
PO Box 1147
Groton, MA 01450
Рекомендации по теме

Beautiful home. The teacher gave you the nativity because she wanted you to know how much Jesus loves you. Obviously she really cared about you.


I was lucky enough to have a career in teaching for 45 years...and I can tell you your teacher loved you dearly and appreciated your happy manner, but wasn't fooled by how hard dyslexia impacted you. She gave you those figures to remind you there is one who loves you even more than she did! Thank you for sharing that moment!


Linda I wanted to cry along with you telling your story about your teacher and the nativity. My son is also dyslexic, also class clown, very personable, very athletic, but struggled to read, write and spell, and was teased about it. I know exactly how you felt, he also had a couple special teachers that let him know he had special talents which to this day we both talk about them and how they made a difference. Today he has a very successful business in Manhattan and has told me his dyslexia and ADD was his gift because when you have always had to figure out a different way to learn you naturally are an outside of the box thinker. That nativity set is a god send in more ways than one. ❤️


Jesus was speaking to you through Mrs. that is why it is so unforgettable to your heart... Merry Christmas Linda


This may be one of my all time favorite Christmas decor videos of all times. Heartfelt, nostalgic for you, you use lots of natural things collected from outdoors, and use things you’ve used for years, not just went out and dropped hundreds on at Hobby Lobby. Your Christmas decor is thoughtful, curated, interesting and tells YOUR uniquely personal Christmas story. This video has been the Christmas/winter home decor inspiration I’ve been looking for my entire adult life and haven’t found until today. Thank you so much from my heart for sharing. I look forward to your holiday videos this coming year!


Your comments about your teacher hit home with me. Thank you. Here I was, a fun-loving girl, probably with ADHD and very right-brained and immature to top it off. A very few of my teachers inspired me, and those who did mean everything to me. Everything. I am now a retired teacher myself. I looked out for the left handed kids, for so many of us are different learners. I tried to discover the hidden qualities of my students. My favorite “regime” in teaching was called DIFFERENT WAYS OF KNOWING. For that is truly what it is all about. Thank you for your effort in these videos. I so appreciate them. Jan in Kentucky


Gorgeous - so peaceful and lovely! And the music was a wonderful accompaniment.


You are the perfect one for us. It's You Bringing This Video To Us ! To Celebrate The Birth Of Jesus Christ !!!
Love You In The Name Of Jesus Christ, Nancy


To me this is one of the most beautiful Christmas home decorations on YouTube. Your home should be advertised in a prestigious decorating magazine. Thank you for Sharing and MERRY CHRISTMAS.


I just don’t know where to start, Linda you have created such a beautiful Christmas haven in your home. Like your teacher said you would make
Your way in your life....I loved hearing that story....I am a woman of faith and I believe she was an angel in your life. How precious it is to have the
Crèche your Dad made and the figures from your teacher. I just love all the trees....so original and stunning. Your home reflects your warm heart and soul. Thank you so much for creating and sharing all your talents with us. I wish you and your family many blessings . Your Christmas decor is just perfection 🙏🏼❤️🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲⛄️


God bless those special teachers. The nativity is beautiful!


Have been waiting for your tour. I will have my coffee with me and pretend I am walking thru your beautiful home with you!!


Thank you for this beautiful podcast. You are truly gifted when it comes to decorating. Merry Christmas.


I like that you use your creativity in decorating rather than the overused commercial decor. Commercial is nice but using natural elements along with thrifted and collected over the years is so much more special. I just loved this Christmas tour. Bravo!


The snow added the perfect backdrop for this beautiful Christmas tour. Merry Christmas!


Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. You had a very caring teacher you were blessed. My granddaughter is dyslexic and her teacher said she was just lazy because she was so smart. As a teacher at the time I told my son that she needed to tested for dyslexia. She did amazing with a teacher who specialize in dyslexia. She is now grown married and has an amazing job and at 19 was the youngest manager of a prestigious jewelry store.


What a nice change from the usual retail decor, your home is beautiful, warm and welcoming.


You're an amazing woman. I thank God for your 3rd grade teacher, your Angel with a sweet message. My 2nd grade teacher was amazing too, Ms. Todd. She was so beautiful and soft spoken.
Your home M is so beautiful. Thank you from Texas in America.


What a beautiful story about your school teacher and father. Having someone else believe in us helps us to believe in ourselves. What a lovely memory ❤


Dear Linda, I love the story of you, your teacher, your dad's building the manger for the nativity you received as a present from her, but most of all the love and kindness from her to you .
