10 Years On Mars (Ep 1): Curiosity Finds Plastic Debris!

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Henson Shaving:

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10 Years On Mars is our new series documenting the Curiosity Rover's full 10 years on the Martian surface. In this episode, the rover almost lost permanent contact with NASA due to a memory issue with computer side A. Although the video is presented in the present tense to give you a feeling of following along with the rover, Curiosity has been using computer side B ever since this incident.

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Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ./SSI
Music: Epidemic Sound

Please note: We are not affiliated with NASA in any way, we just want more people to be inspired by their great work!
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Henson Shaving:

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seeing the shot of the earth and moon from the surface of mars makes me realize how unreal it is that we are driving a robot on another planet THAT far away. wow


Watching another planet in 4k is an extra ordinary experience. Thanks to all the scientists who made it possible.


Can’t believe it’s been a decade since Curiosity landed. I remember watching the livestream of the landing in elementary school. Glad to see it’s still operating. 😁


I'd love to see these rovers recovered at some point. I'd wager that studying the rovers themselves after their time on the planet would be just as fruitful as the rocks they've studied.


"Stop wasting your time trying to hide that piece of plastic, Xeebleblt. The humans will just mistake it for a piece of their own spacecraft anyway."


I'm not a Mars-ologist, but I thought it was accepted for quite some time that, in ancient times; Mars had abundant water. Finding conglomerate rock is not such a surprise. Is it ?


Videos like this give me a weird feeling.
It feels like adventure logs from an adventurer who I'll never see, in a place I'll never go. Curiosity is all alone, on a baren wasteland, trying to uncover the mysteries of its past.


I wanted to reply to the people who say it's fake.

I work for a company that sends radios into space (lunar and beyond). The amount of work that goes into just the radios is insane. We spend years just to get a unit working and well tested.

Companies wouldn't spend millions (even sometimes billions) to just fake a product like this. It would be pointless to everyone involved.

The engineering that goes into these types of designs is phenomenal we all should all recognize that fact, not antagonize it. We are one step closer to putting humans on Mars and I know I am looking forward to this achievement!


I always get super giddy about any information on other planets. The curiosity in me will never die.


I started this series of videos with the feeling " oh well here we go again " thinking it was another one of those " look good but videos " So I was extremely encouraged when hearing the narrator, Great upload Thanks for this 👍👍


I love seeing pictures from mars because it looks so.. normal. It doesn’t look like anything very alien like the moon. One look at a pic from the moon and it gives immediate space vibes, but this just looks so normal, almost like a second earth


I can’t imagine the pride the team would be feeling being involved in this project. Good job one and all.


I just can't get over the fact that we have actual images of another planet's surface... And to think that people don't think much of it is a bit depressing


I love the narration, with verbal analysis of what we're looking at is helpful to us layman. when I first saw the post "a plastic bottle found on Mars? my first thought was "Oh Man! its not bad enough we've polluted the hell out of our own oceans with plastics by the mega tons. now we're polluting other planets. too!. my only regret is I am too old to be able to see any if any occupations or landings by humans on the planet. that would be colossal. But at 79 I don't think so, but am enjoying all that I see now while I can. thanks for sharing. ECF..


I'd rather look at what's happening on another planet than watch what's happening on our own right now.


We have dumped litter all over and messed up our own ecology and now it's pretty obvious that we've already messing up Mars as well. Great job guys!


If I could travel to mars undetected id leave Gatorade bottles randomly placed


The most amazing thing to me is how indifferent people are to seeing an alien world. I mean, this is a different PLANET. How is this not amazing?


We’re even polluting other planets with our plastics and garbage… unreal… Great video btw!! Thank you!
