Sam Adams Scofield s Hyper Zionists The Useful Idiots of Talmudic Judaism

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"The majority of so called fundamental Baptists today, along with multiplied MILLIONS of Pentecostals and mainstream evangelical Christians, have been DUPED and deceived by the false doctrines of dispensationalism taught in the study notes of the Scofield reference Bible, into serving as USEFUL IDIOTS of anti-Christ, Talmudic Judaism and its radically racist Zionist agenda, along with its agenda to destroy Biblical Christianity and the message of the cross. This message calls all such Hyper Zionists to repentance and promotes a more balanced Christian Zionism that rejects the multi-gospel and dual-covenant heresies of dispensationalism, along with its war mongering for Israel and provision of chosen-people status for unbelieving Jews, but that still sees a future of restoration for Israel and the Jews."

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