How CS Lewis Deconstructs the recent Hit Pieces written against Jordan Peterson

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Hey Rev. V.,
I've been thinking about JPB's appeal to religious types, such as yourself (and me--if I can be so bold). In the then Cardinal Ratzinger's (later Pope Benedict) book "Introduction to Christianity" he relates a fable from Kierkegaard about a circus:
“According to this story, a traveling circus in Denmark caught fire. The manager thereupon sent the clown, who was already dressed and made up for the performance, into the neighboring village to fetch help, especially as there was a danger that the fire would spread across the fields of dry stubble and engulf the village itself. The clown hurried into the village and requested the inhabitants to come as quickly as possible to the blazing circus and help to put the fire out. But the villagers took the clown’s shouts simply for an excellent piece of advertising, meant to attract as many people as possible to the performance; they applauded the clown and laughed till they cried. The clown felt more like weeping than laughing; he tried in vain to get people to be serious, to make it clear to them that this was no stunt, that he was not pretending but was in bitter earnest, that there really was a fire. His supplications only increased the laughter; people thought he was playing his part splendidly — until finally the fire did engulf the village; it was too late for help, and both circus and village were burned to the ground.” (Introduction to Christianity; 39-40)
I think JBP, like CS Lewis before him, is showing us a way to communicate to the unchurched & unbelieving that punch through theirr post-modern prejudices.


Paul, I really appreciate your videos. Like you, I can have conversations about Truth, the self, and meaning, and do it everyday. Unfortunately for me, I know very few people who want, or are able, to have such conversations without reflexively going to beliefs and ideologies. Thanks for your work.


Just discovered your work due to your collab with Jonathan. I'm increadibly happy to find this sort of intelligent, articulate conversation going on online. I think an archive binge is in order


This hit piece is so low-level that it is even funny. it is so bad that it is good:) So happy you talked to Pageau. Looking forward to watching it


Paul, thanks again for another insightful video. You are becoming a big part of an alternate way forward for people like me. In the same way that YouTube has disrupted the media space, you are disrupting contemporary Christianity (at least in my world). I live in Japan and don't have a church to call home and most of what I've found in contemporary American Christianity leaves much to be desired. I commend you for contributing to the further decentralization of the church (again, I'm talking about my experience) and offering more than just platitudes, bromides, and cliches that are staples of the rhetoric of American pastors. Please keep making videos and know that I appreciate your work.


I'm off to find my copy of The Screwtape Letters and have a read...


As a philosophy student, it's very interesting to see Locke et. al. weaved into a broader perspective.


It was hilarious to hear that review.
I had a good laugh at the fact the author is someone that was "tentative" to read Peterson's book and at the same time complained how unoriginal it was. That really sums up post-modernism well. An ideology that is afraid and frustrated with Truth.


WONDERFUL Quote/Truth Proclamation, Paul: "We don't Know what WE got Wrong!" Thnx!


Thanks for making the CSL connection to Peterson. It is right on the nose!. Having read Lewis for 40 years, I cheered when I first heard Peterson. And I found you through Jonathan Pageau. Keep going!


Cool, looking forward to the convo with Jonathan Pageau. I'm in Sac too, nobody I know ever wants to discuss mythology. Initially I was drawn in to the Joseph Campbell series I saw as a kid and noted. When I was older I went back with an intellect more ready to understand this stuff. Anyway, keep up your reflections. Thank you for the great content.


Hey this was great! Not only have you gotten me to begin reading Screwtape letters, but I read a lot of what you referenced from it on the way home from work today!


I know the video admonishes dismissing someone for not being in your own tribe, but now I just automatically dismiss anyone who labels JBP as alt-right. That's my heuristic and I'm sticking with it!

At least try to make an argument without resorting to labeling (ie name-calling). The author of that hit piece might have had an understandable hang-up on JBP's use of evolutionary psychology, but then resorts to name-calling for that too! I agree with JBP on this, the things that have been true the longest are the most true. He says people like Sam Harris, who ostensibly are the most strident believers in evolution, don't take Darwinian evolution seriously. The author of the hit piece just plain dismisses it with an insult! It's clear they only believe in evolution insofar as they believe it refutes the idea of God (which I don't think it does), but stop believing in it when it reveals to them inconvenient truths. I remember this quote from JBP referring to Richard Dawkins:

"It's so funny to read Dawkins because what he is searching for has already been found by Jung, but he's (Dawkins) so prejudiced against any kind of religious thinking that there's no chance he'll find it."


I'd love to see a recommended book list from you :)


Jordan Peterson shows a way of thinking in this world. You can learn that and, on some "political" issue say, have the same opinion, or completely different. But you'll be a lot closer to the truth whatever you are thinking...


17:13 ohhhoho, that burns! PHD does in fact stand for post hole digger :)
"Bulverism" is as crucially important an essay, as it is contemporary. There's a terrific channel on YT called "CSLewisDoodle" which has Lewis's essays, with illustrations. Very shareable.


This video was VERY rich for me. Thank-you so much for this. Really helps me to understand, humanize and come to see the wisdom of folks that put forth a Flat Earth Theory.


Awful article, great video ; )

I look forward to your conversation with this mysterious Dutch person, seeing as I live in the Netherlands myself, and
I'm very curious whether there's any presence here of this more literary/interpretative vein of Christian thought!


I liked the "dum dum dum" summed up that article very well.


Thanks, Paul! I'm going to read, The Narnian.
