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I don't think it's entirely possible to go 100% zero waste, but we can all do our best to get close.


Don't let the inability to do everything paralyze you. Do something, anything! Zero waste is about moving toward creating no waste. It's an awesome movement that we can all be a part of, if only in small ways. Every step toward reducing waste is valuable.


I've personally worked in an organic food store. Most of the foods in the bulk section come in very large bags made of thick brown paper. The store always recycled those bags. It uses way less material than a box shipped with a bunch of tiny packages of rice, beans, etc.


1 bag at the store is better than 50 bags at 50 homes tho...


As more and more people turn to the zero waste lifestyle, bulk shopping will get better and better. Prices will come down and companies will start providing product in a reusable container for the store. Give it some time. Bea is awesome.


It's not "Zero waste" because it's supposed to be zero waste. It's the vision to live a life with as little waste as possible.. -.-


Hey, i like that you are critizing the movement. No movement is perfect.
As a bulk shop owner I can tell you how it works behind: if we buy in bulk, we save up 500% of waste. Some products like coffee beans or hygiene products or tofu - we have a complete zero waste supply chain. Most bulk stores don't work like that, but the whole "unverpackt" movement in germany is getting better. Supporting Bulk and still buying it, even if it's not perfect makes it possible to achieve more zero waste supply chains and let the whole movement grow.


1:40 No that's *VERY* misleading to say " the waste stays in the store instead of coming home with you". Fact : MUCH more wast when you don't buy bulk.

Even when bulks refilled with large paper sacks that they travel to the store in, they are *large* paper sacks.

And, *the smaller an object the larger its "surface area to volume" ratio is -- so hundreds of small containers have MUCH more waste.*


Disappointed with this video, was hoping for some insightful critique. You act like the thousands of pounds of individual packaging that end up in landfills is comparable to shipment packaging for bulk items. Which has been well established not to be the car. Also, most people who claim to be zero waste also practice plant based diets. I feel like you didn't do much research for this video, though I appreciate someone who can be critical of movements when they become popularized.


I think it's still probably better to have say rice come in a big 50 pound bag then a bunch of smaller 5 pound bags or whatever. Less waste overall.


Yeah he just doesn't understand that the idea isn't perfection, it's an improvement. Yes there will always be waste, but this cuts that waste significantly. Sometimes people make excuses when they don't want to change.


Derek. you can't say that none of the "zero-wasters" say anything about dietary choices just because you've watched some that don't. what about Sustainably Vegan? what about The Minimalist Ninja?


Hey Derek, I do understand your concerns and annoyances with the zero waste movement, but maybe if you consider a few things you will understand a little more where we are coming from. Of course the name may appear to be misleading but calling it the "as near to zero waste as possible" is not so catchy or likely to appeal to people, just like Rawtil4 wouldn't sound as appealing if it was Raw til dinner, or The Starch Solution if it was the "only eat predominantly starches and other fruits and vegetables." My point is that the name only symbolises what we want to achieve and the ideology of trying to waste as little as possible to better ourselves and help in a small way to save the planet.

When it comes to dietary choices I do completely agree with you that the big Zero Waste Youtubers don't tend to be vegan and do not talk about what a horrendous waste eating Animal products are. But those who do are here even though we are few and far between. I set up my youtube channel specifically to build a bridge between the two platforms of zero waste and veganism because like you we have seen the need for some common sense in this movement. You and Hannah are wonderful symbols of a more morally and ethically conscious life and it is so important that you become the voice that is missing. Myself and The Minimalist Ninja are trying to be that voice but we are only small channels. You have a great opportunity to build this community and help us fuse these two lifestyles.

As I said before, I do understand your annoyances especially being Vegan myself, but please consider fusing the movements rather than denouncing us all when some of us are already trying to get others to make the connection between Zero Waste and Veganism.


I understand your view, BUT there are some things I would like to point out (no arguing, just fyi) --

Zero waste tends to focus on the trash that YOU yourself (as an individual, or a company) produces. Many zero waste advocates even say it is that company's responsibility to make sure their processes are sustainable. You can, of course look into which companies are more sustainable than others and support the more sustainable ones more, and/or encourage the company to make changes (and some will if customers keep pointing it out to them). Another thing is that bulk items don't necessarily have to come to the store in disposable bags. They can come in large reuseable containers, and the truck can drop off the full container at the store, and take back the old container to sanitize and refill.

Bulk items are often more expensive because a lot of time it's organic. When you make your price comparisons, please keep this in mind.

I agree that the production of animal products definitely impacts the environment BUT going zero waste often means grocery shopping at farmer's markets and purchasing meat directly from a local farmer. This often means hormone and antibiotic free (less pollutants in water supply), and less pollution resulting from transporting meat all over the country.


Your first argument isn't entirely sound because they have no control over how the companies move foods but they do have control over using more plastic bags for that same product.


Oh Derek...first I laughed when you called BS.... And you make an excellent point about the high cost of bulk bin products....They are not passing along the savings. But....there is something good about the store tossing one 50lbs empty sack instead of 50 empty 1lb sacks. There is a lot of improvement to make with the zero waste movement, but I think the trend and direction is spot on. I always enjoy your videos. You are genuine, determined and hardworking. You don't' shy away from the tough stuff. Thank you!


so much bias. more research is needed and more time spent on the intent is needed. there are also brands of rice that come in fabric bags that can be used for laundry, can be cut up into rags for cleaning, can be donated, etc. I think your issues are way too literal, you have to do what works for you. no such thing as a "perfect" anything. then as far as the dietary choices go, there are many other zero waste advocates besides Bea Johnson who are plant based. good video, but you should have researched a bit more.


I honestly feel like you are just nitpicking.


This guy's dumb example of the rice bag makes me want to slap him. Of course we can't control the amount of waste made by the producer or store, but we consumers have some power too and can decide what we don't buy. Buying rice in bulk is still better than a tiny packaging of Uncle Ben's.


And actually Trash For Tossers talks about her dietary choices as well. You should do your research.
