AOC and Pelosi take on the gender wage gap

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KIM I need to stop watching your show, Drunk LOL na na I love watching your show Drunk ❤️


There's a company called Gravity that pays everyone the same including its CEO


Couldn’t agree less. I’ve worked in environments where everyone is paid the same. It’s very demoralising. You see lazy people getting paid the same as you and your extra effort goes unrewarded. Pay should be based on knowledge and effort.


Dranking help the brain wash, I need to be a model sat (I even spell sitasen) Kim I'm all f#@& up 🐻


Risking your life on an oil platform is not the same thing as fingerprinting in an air conditioned classroom.
Equal pay for equal work...yes
Equalising pay across genders... disgusting idea.


Believe it or not, we as a people have more in common than you can ever imagine and it is the powers that be who do not want you know this, at all.


There is a gender earnings gap, not a gender wage gap.


Well if she can work with me then bring it on. I highly doubt that. I have 6 skilled job skills.


Most other countries have a similar ranking system. In the US, the good old boys network will figure to keep their privilege.


Men usually work longer hours, take less days off, and work in higher paying fields. This legislation doesn’t help anyone, we need to encourage more women to go into fields like science, engineering, and business! And at the same time encourage men to enter predominantly female career paths.


You do excellent work. Would you condider digging into which progressive politicians have voted for sanctions?


oh lemme tell you some as a german fellow, here people still cry about wage gap and that makes the thing all stupid in my eyes i dont know for the us to be honest


It'll be interesting when someone explains to them the difference between a wage gap and an earnings gap.


people who work for the same company, doing the same work, with the same level of education and years worked, working the same number of hours per week, working on the same shift still have wage gaps between men and women.


How does having open source for employees salary is useful?
Its not about just about experience, right? It will come down to communication, charisma and so on.
Otherwise Affirmative action will be a joke.
Also gender gap is not because companys are sexist. It is too multilayered to think this is going to end the issue. Then again we got nothing to lose by disposing the information.


Hi Kim. I’m a staunch progressive as well, but I was very disappointed by how you described this issue. It’s not a gender-specific wage gap. It’s an earnings gap that mainly exist between mothers and the rest of the population. Women without children follow a wage trajectory almost identical to men (given that education and sector is taken into account). A more accurate take would be to describe it as a “motherhood penalty”. Mothers are missing out on career opportunities because they work less. The question then is why it’s so difficult for fathers and mothers to split responsibility at home and work equally? Professor Claudia Goldin at Harvard, who is a pioneer on this topic, describes this problem as “non-linear pay structures” that incentivize one of the parents to work more than the other. Simply put, a family where work is split 80/20 will make way more money than a family where it’s split 50/50. If this is a problem we’d like to solve, it matters that our understanding is grounded in empirical evidence. Aside from that, love the channel and look forward to listening to your commentary during the upcoming election cycle. :-)


There are a few things that should be done to make sure we close the gender pay gap:
Force woman to choose better paying careers and jobs. Force them to work full time, never part time. Teach them to be more confident and aggressive during negotiations over their salary or when asking for a raise. Also stop them from becoming pregnant.
Unless we make sure to follow each step, there will always be gender pay gap.


Wowow. Is there a gender gap in Men are being paid too much? Those business owner are silly... Until this bill they were able to pay less to women but instead they employed men... Nonsense!
Please don't repeat that lie of the "gender gap". It just adds all women salaries and divides it by the number of employed women and do the same for men, but it doesn't take into consideration the type of jobs, if they are night shifts, if they are high-risk jobs, etc. That is BS out of context. This kind of bills waste peoples time and appease protesters to show them there is "progress" going on, but these are superficial, non-relevant "victories" that on one side distract the masses from the real problems and in the other set the bases for right wingers who can make a platform by simply going against all this out of control enforced bureaucratic regulations (I am in favor of those that make sense, but these don't).


I think many people become very tribal towards this issue, and I myself do believe that it is an earnings issue and not solely due to purposefully discriminating against women. However I can appreciate the nuance and different angle regarding transparency that you are bringing to this issue and no matter what side of the political isle that you may reside on, I think it good to readdress issues such as this that have been discussed ad nauseam. People just take it for granted that it is an open and shut case that there isn't a gender pay gap, and while I certainly believe it has to do with different career/ job choices of the sexes, I have also learned that the solution is almost always somewhere in the middle.


Wages for males in the bottom 75 % have dropped 15% adjusted for inflation since 1973. Women's wages have risen significantly. This should not be a zero sum game. Many women share a man's income.
