AWI H&C: Decision Games' First Saratoga

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Just in time for the American Independence Day celebrations, it's time to turn our attention to one of the few big wins the Colonials had against the King's Loyalists and their Hessian pals. A small game that packs a lot of punch, this is part review, part play-through.
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I've been to ALBANEY too (landed at the airport then left to fly back home - KC Mo.) ! I have a lot of hex/paper wargames and in my old age (mid 70's) I realize I'll probably never play them again ? First wargame AH hex Gettysburg about 1960 - ! Played Squad Leader too purple box 1976 BUT wouldn't move up to ADVANCED (oh well) - played historical tabletop miniatures too ! Met Donald Featherstone (English miniatures book guy) & John Hill (Squad Leader guy) both before they passed - waiting to pass myself !! ENJOYED watching you play this game though mostly watch OTHERS play wargames on YOUTUBE - more power to you !!! :-)


I don't know if there are special stacking/attacking rules for this particular game, but the Musket and Saber Quick Play Mini System Game Rules state that only one artillery plus one other unit can attack from [or defend] a hex (i.e. two or more infantry units can not attack out of a hex [only one of them can attack]; and two or more infantry can not defend a hex - only one of them. See 5.0 Stacking.


Some games have this issue. I think I’m dealing with one now. Exceptions that are tough to follow.


Thanks for making this video. First Saratoga is my first wargame. Might have made a mistake there.


Trying to coordinate multiple attacks on a well defended position with interior lines, over unknown, rugged terrain, with limited communication and scouting, is VERY challenging. Of course, Burgoyne was expecting Howe to come marching up the Hudson from NYC, with the Main Army AND St. Leger to pop up from the Mohawk Valley with his expedition, so that the American troops in the area would be spread pretty thin, in their efforts to stop the British juggernauts. He never dreamed that his prong of the proposed attack would be the only one to go forward, and he would have to take the opposition on... all by himself... all alone! One of the things that I have never understood was that the Montreal, Lake Champlain, Hudson River, New York City route of travel had been a smuggling highway for a LONG time, yet when the British needed guidance, no body knew nuttin' 'bout nuttin'... not no way; not no how! Hummmm... Lord Howe dreamed of conquering Philadelphia and St. Leger was stopped at Fort Stanwix and Oriskany. This enabled the Americans to concentrate on countering/destroying Burgoyne. I suppose that this campaign was really lost when Lord Sackville pigeonholed the orders in London, until it was far too late. Of course, the American victory here, convinced the French that lending support to the former Colonists would be a good investment... and some payback for the French And Indian War.


I struggled with the instructions as well


I am getting more into these hex-based historical wargames myself (even though I only have one). Refreshing to have everything from the get-go in one box and not have to prepare minis for a long time. Also they don't have long set-up time like a lot of modern board games.

I can recommend the game "Fields Of Battle: Great Northern War" by Stephen Kling if you're looking for more of these hex-wargames in the horse & musket period, that conflict is also a quite unique from other contemporary wars.


If you like Hex games Hollandspiele make some good ones, also Tiny Battle Publishing - I think I like those even more. Tiny Battle even have a game for the Battle of Dorking which if you’re not aware of it is an interesting topic, especially for a war gamer I think (being itself a kind of war game novel).


I would advise you to invest in a dice tower . They are quite cheap and stop the counters getting knocked over. 😁


after Fog clears it stays clear until 1530


You should add your video to Boardgamegeek.


Typical - you would think we Brits would avoid attacking any Americans on the 4th July. Obviously we did not learn last time 🤪
I get the feeling with a tidy up of the rules this could be a good but tough game.


Rule 10.0 Leaders do not count towards stacking
