Why curiosity is the key to science and medicine | Kevin B. Jones

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Science is a learning process that involves experimentation, failure and revision -- and the science of medicine is no exception. Cancer researcher Kevin B. Jones faces the deep unknowns about surgery and medical care with a simple answer: honesty. In a thoughtful talk about the nature of knowledge, Jones shows how science is at its best when scientists humbly admit what they do not yet understand.

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Actually, curiosity is the key of everything not just science. I'm a musician, and I have learned everything I wanted. only because I was and still am curious!


My doctor is the most amazing man I have ever met. I’m so proud of this ted talk and I’m glad you saved me.


I have never heard anyone speaking so clearly and with such confidence, like he did.


I appreciate humble and honest doctors and physicians. :)


Kevin Jones made some great points on how certain people may view the accessibility that we have to healthcare as whole in his talk, whether he knew it or not. He made a statement, “We start to measure the quality of our health care by how quickly we can access it”. This could not be more spot-on. With the new technology these days on highways you can now see billboards in certain areas that will advertise the wait time for the local ER waiting room. Great idea, yet bad idea. If someone sees that a wait is up to 2 hours; they will more than likely start to make rude comments or criticize. Having a long wait time isn’t saying anything badly about the reputation of the hospital, however, people more than likely will not choose to go there. People are quick to judge when it comes to health care and how readily accessible it is. Almost always I hear people “self-diagnosing” themselves while they plug in all of their symptoms online. Not saying that isn’t bad, however, also not reliable. To play the devil’s advocate on this, one should not always go to the internet to seek medical advice. Sometimes a quick phone call to the doctor’s office could do the trick, and if they find that it is needed, they may ask for you to stop in. When it comes to the medical field, there is not one “correct” answer to one problem. There are many different options, and possible solutions it seems like.
Curiosity plays a key role in the health field overall. Jones talked about experiments at the end when he had to perform the invasive surgery on the woman with cancer. He tells us to seek curiosity within our health professionals. Meaning, talk with them, let them talk to you. They cannot tell you what they do not know, but can tell you when they do not know. He encourages us to join in the conversation with them, and to not just become a patient, but to become a scientist in our “profession”. Meaning, if you have lung cancer, learn about it! Be curious about it, and have conversations with your medical team about it. Never too late.


imagination is the essence of discovery


"science is at its best when scientists humbly admit what they do not yet understand" This is where religion falls flat when it claims to be explaining anything about our universe. The religions of the world claim to have the answers (straight from god), and aren't interested in learning anything that might upset the story.
They have fought innovation and discovery at nearly every chance, and still today push back against scientific progress in a number of areas.


Curiosity is the key to life. The more we are curious the longer we live. Look at the cavemen who were curious about how to make fire. Thanks to them humans have survived. Look at Tesla who was curious about light and energy. Thanks to him we are able to have light during the night. Look at Einstein, Aristotle, and many more people who were curious about life who have helped humanity transcend and survive.


What are the key questions that the people who go to a doctor should ask?

And what are the questions the doctor should ask to see if the patient do understand what have bin informed to them?


curiosity is the key of everything, if you don't ask yourself all the things you never learn nothing.


2:05 an equal and opposite force in the other direction would result in a stationary object, no?


How did he make his power point presentation?
How do you make these animations that create new words?


science is what make a correct perception incorrect.


Curiosity about how to make as much money as possible you mean healthcare is a business!


17 minutes of empty talk and nothing new...


your speech does not have an exordium that are essential parts of an oral speech


A shame they are enriching for memorisation in uni/college.


he basicly is saying that researching something that seems insignificant can give the answers to something way more important. not that strange considering his job. the first half of the talk feels unnecessary and is basic knowledge for most of us.


i see now
i see
isee higher self in its true form
its our matrix to our own journey
to totally and completely
EXPRESS yourself have FAITH
in yourself
and well
all knowledge is self knowledge so
ulimeted knowlege
& healing power
help we
not i
we help we
us we are us not u
us we
we areone under the sun
love all
love us love we


NO WHERE becomes NOW HERE! English language contains the secret braahhh!
