How to convert reccuring decimal to fraction || Non-terminating repeating number

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Decimal to fraction
Bhinn ko p/q ke rup me kaise likhe
P/q ke rup me likhe
0.6 ko p/q ke rup me likhe
recurring wala math
recurring wala question
recurring wala sawal
recurring wala math kaise banaen
recurring wala hisab
recurring wala question
recurring wala sawal kaise banaen
recurring wala math kaise banta hai
recurring wala prashn
recurring wala question kaise banaen
p/q ke rup me kaise likhe
0.47777 in p/q form
0.6 ko p/q ke roop mein vyakt kijiye
2.47 ko p/q ke rup me badle
p/q ke rup me kaise likhe trick
0.477777..... in the form p/q
Number system
express 0.4777 in the form of p by q
express 0.47 bar in the form of p/q
0.6 ko p/q ke roop me vyakt kijiye
Express the 0.477777..... in the form p/q
0.4777.. को p/q के रूप में लिखिए
संख्या पद्धति कक्षा 9 पाठ 1
परिमेय संख्या के रूप में लिखिए
0.47777 ko भिन्न के सरलतम रूप मे लिखें
bar wale prashn class 10
Decimal to fraction
Bhinn ko p/q ke rup me kaise likhe
P/q ke rup me likhe
0.6 ko p/q ke rup me likhe
recurring wala math
recurring wala question
recurring wala sawal
recurring wala math kaise banaen
recurring wala hisab
recurring wala question
recurring wala sawal kaise banaen
recurring wala math kaise banta hai
recurring wala prashn
recurring wala question kaise banaen
p/q ke rup me kaise likhe
0.47777 in p/q form
0.6 ko p/q ke roop mein vyakt kijiye
2.47 ko p/q ke rup me badle
p/q ke rup me kaise likhe trick
0.477777..... in the form p/q
Number system
express 0.4777 in the form of p by q
express 0.47 bar in the form of p/q
0.6 ko p/q ke roop me vyakt kijiye
Express the 0.477777..... in the form p/q
0.4777.. को p/q के रूप में लिखिए
संख्या पद्धति कक्षा 9 पाठ 1
परिमेय संख्या के रूप में लिखिए
0.47777 ko भिन्न के सरलतम रूप मे लिखें
bar wale prashn class 10