Female head from sphere in Zbrush How to model and draw a female head with live narration

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At last i found time to do this tutorial that i have spent 2 months to prepare for:).

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It's your sense of humour that makes the hour long video easy to sit through.


lemme just say that this person just showed us literally everything he knows about how to skulpt a female face!! not just his techniques but also the common flaws and mistakes we can make!
dunno about others but i am really greatful that watched your tutorial sir. Thank you very much for this fun and informative tutorial~


"No, mouth is not like that. And also, mouth is not in forehead."
"I'm doing a girl with no hair. She was a rebel.... I know, I know. She's a very brave one."
"Because there is a muscle there.... which we have to have."
"We will make it most likely."
This guy XD You've got yourself a subscriber.


Absolute class. I learned so much, thank you!!


"...and also, the mouth is not on the forehead!" ...haha dude you're cracking me up. Probably the best intro to head sculpting I've ever seen. Totally on point. Easy to follow. Keep up the great work.


This is a great tutorial. Your technique and knowledge are beyond most, only 18 minutes and you have a realistic, anatomically correct face. Most people push and pull a dynamesh until they get a resemblance of what a face looks like. You start with a skull as a base and work off of it, creating a flawless representation of a realistic head. Best head tutorial I've seen yet. Good job!


"Don't do that or you will suffer from loss of self-esteem" LMAO XD


This is an astounding demo!!! I'm flabbergasted with this guy's talent. Incredible!


I'm sculpting a human head in ZBush Core Mini for my college class and I've been having so much trouble. After watching 10 minutes of this video, I feel like I know what I was doing wrong and how to change. This is such a perfect tutorial, you should be so proud of how you were able to make people understand so well after only 10 minutes.


honestly the best soft tutorial ive ever seen. short and straight to the point ! i love it


Definitely the best free female head tutorial on the net. I really wanna thank you for taking the time to make this tutorial! It helped me alot!
I'm sure everybody would love to see more of your workflow. This Channel should grow very fast, with this quality of tutorials.


I can't believe i sat through 2 hours of your head sculpting tutorials back to back. I will need to check them again later when I try to sculpt again


This is a good example of a long tutorial, a little bit of fun and a little bit of seriousness, I wasn't bored at all, very informative. Thank you.


Thank you so much for this video. I literally tried my hand at 3D sculpting for the first time in my life yesterday. The abomination I created would have been burned with fire had it not been digital lol. This video completely changed my mindset and approach.


I just watched less than 2 mins and I'm already convinced to learn from you.


Thanks a lot man, you're one of the best guys that make tutorials, you go straight to the point and never stay quiet so you explain everything you do. I hope and wish you teach us more things in the future!


I've struggled for 2 days now to sculpt a face for my character that I've drawn plenty of times in 2D, but doing it in 3D having to worry about every angle, but still get the look I want for any one angle, presents such a tremendous challenge. Honestly it's still not done, and I can see evn more so now after watching your vid. A very educational vid, and your humor made it not a chore to sit through. Thank you very much friend 👍


I was skeptic when I clicked on the video. But I think you changed me from a box modeling, low poly to high poly, subdivision guy into a sculptor. I've watched sculptors before... their seemingly impeccable knowledge of anatomy has intimidated me. not saying that anatomy isn't important because of course it is. But for some reason your video here has made it more approachable in my brain. Thank you for the techniques.
You just got one new subscriber.


Just watching 5 minutes of this was a great reminder of how important it is to know your anatomy. Great lesson! :)


A little Gem in the zBrush tutorial desert. Humor, talent and lots of tipps. You pump knowledge and make me laugh.
But what i appreciate most is the fact that you not hover down from the scupltor olymp pretending you were born with the skills.
I am on zBrush now for three weeks (coming form MAYA) and i managed to make a decent head within your one hour tutorial.
Thx a lot, man.
