Walter Veith reveals the truth about Ellen White

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Walter Veith reveals the truth about Ellen White. All SDAs who doubt Ellen white must watch this.
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Thank you, Brother Lawrence, for this great message! Amen 🙏 😊


People must read EGW Writings and ask themselves this question, is Ellen G White leads me to the scriptures or away from the scriptures?


Yes indeed. If you read her writings they lead you to Jesus over and over. I love her books because they make you fall in love with our Saviour.


Bro Lawrence, This is great! I liked it and subscribed!


Ellen White is definitely a true prophetess and I do believe that God sent her 🙏.


The Bible criteria - check, versus world criteria - check . Now choose which one you will trust.
From the time I first read about her, studied her writings [did the same for catholicism, Buddhism, Mormon, Hinduism nmoslem and majority of protestantism) she checked out all the boxes. Her writings make greater sense after studying the Bible.

Whichever one you choose show your true life path


Noah was a prophet, the people ignored him, they all drowned.


I never heard Allen white when I found the truth about seventh day adventist Church. I never read any of her books. But now, it doesn't matter what atheists said about her. I believe her that she is a messenger of god. If she was preaching the gospel and gods law, I have no doubt that she is the messenger of God. I'm proud to be seventh day adventist members.


I'm SDA I never doubt Mes EG White as a false prophet she was God anointed prophetess.


If Ellen Gold white were to be here listening to our conversation, she would say "i am not a prophet but I think my self to be a messenger of God".


we as advent we should be preach God's word in truth as hellen did .let us not judge others but let us love sinners and hate sins


Walter, I am not a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. I read all the Scriptures, and my curiosity drives me into many study topics. I have studied the writings of Ellen White, who was a good investigator or a righteous jury member searching for evidence to judge whether a man is guilty or not guilty. Everything you said in the first 10 minutes, I agree with 100%. While studying the Millerite movement in the 1840s, the Seventh Day Adventist Church was not yet organized. This group was a mix of many different believers from different flocks. I think Miller was also a Methodist or Baptist Pastor. So God did not give Ellen White to the Adventist Church; God gave this Prophet to everyone.
If the Adventist Church's pride seems to me a little off the mark. They would be better served if they were more inclusive, but that is not the nature of any Church. I will share some important observations that I have found when reading her order records. After doing an in-depth audit of the SDA Church history...Mr. Foy was the first man called about 1840, long before 1843/1844. This causes me to think that the Father knew what would happen, and his call to Mr. Foy may have prevented William Miller from setting a date for the Second Coming.
You and your Church members know the past and present acceptance and rejection of Mrs. White's records. In my study, I would like to share my findings with you and anyone reading them after 1, 000 hours of research on older sets of CDs sold in the mid-1990s, published books sold by your Church, and internet sources like the Ellen G. White Estate. I began reading Ellen's recorded visions in her first book, published by James White in 1851. The title: "A Sketch of Christians Experiences and Views by Ellen G White." You will agree when a prophecy is first given to a Prophet, information in the Vision is what the Prophet is shown and what the Prophet hears spoken. They wrote down the Vision, and in Ellen's book, this was the "Christian Experiences" she had. Notice the title of her book, which includes Ellen's view, which points to her present understanding when the Vision was given. Not every personal view Ellen wrote explaining her knowledge of the Vision was correct. Examples:
1. In 1844, she and others believed they had all been sealed, part of the 144, 000, and that view was held for a long time. The chapter called "Sealing" was not given to Ellen until January 6, 1849!
2. Soon after October 22, 1844, two men inspecting their standing corn agreed that Jesus didn't come because he had moved from the Temple's Holy place into the Most Holy or Holy of Holies. That began long before Ellen had her first Prophetic Vision, which didn't include anything about Jesus's move into the Most Holy. But these two men were so excited they jumped upon their horses and rode from farm to farm to explain what they believed took place on October 22, 1844. Had I been there, I would have accepted that view, too.
3. I see the Church used an early vision to persuade everyone. Ellen saw this take place in a vision. Let us fact-check this doctrine. The Church points to the Early Writings chapter "End of the 2300 Days." This Vision be gins with Father and Son sitting side by side on the FatherFather's.
a. There is no Father and Son Throne in the Temple's Holy place, only a Table, an Altar, and a Lampstand with seven lamps of oil. b. This Vision in Early Writings did not include a date, which we don't need if Ellen's first prophetic Vision was given in December 1844. This will not allow a Prophecy by Vision to Ellen to be looking backward in history to prove what men will say is so. This Vision about the End of the 2300 days points to the time when the final fulfillment of the Roman Papal (Your President is saying the Anti-Christ) you Great Controversy has in agreement with all Protesting Christians in the 1800s and early 1900s. Today, there are few protests against Roman Catholic power.
c. I am still asking why the Adventists have read Daniel 8:9 in context when the 2300 days begin and will end when the heavenly Sanctuary is cleansed? How can we agree today with Mr. Miller that his 2300 years began to be counted in 457 BC when the Greek Empire was still in control. The Roman "little horn" power came out of the Greek Empire and called one of the 4 horns that uprooted the other three. The Roman Empire or the "little horn" of Daniel 8:9 -14 is no longer biblical.

So the Vision Ellen was given on the End of the 2300 days was first published in 1846 in a mailing, but Ellen can't support October 22, 1843/1844 AD with what is recorded in Early Writings and first in her first published book in 1851.

Many SDA Pastors I have spoken with say that the Book of Revelation prophecies are nearly fulfilled. They see most of Revelation as a history book and only wait for the Mark of the Beast, the last seven plagues, and for the sky to roll back and see Jesus coming from the east.
Satan has been hard at work in all the different flocks of believers in Jesus. The Lord was correct in calling us sheep. Sheep feel safe in a flock, and looking back in history, many of the men who were chosen were loners. I think about David; even his family forgot about him when he was being searched for to be set apart by the Father for a very important assignment.

After being sent to the Philippines just before we knew about this last plague that came upon the world, I spent the lockdown in a jungle atop a high mountain with an Adventist family for three years, and Father assigned me to study Prophecy from Genesis to Revelation, not the SOP. I logged over 4, 000 hours on this prophecy study and have been seeking other prophecy students now that I am back in North Florida. I am soon to be 76 years of age and hungry for truth. When I ask Adventist leadership questions they can't answer or have never heard asked, I hope they are more curious to be knowledge seekers. But everyone thinks their Church has all the truth, and they need no more light. The Gift of the Prophet can't be found in only a few Pastors. Everyone has some truth. So I am seeking anyone to hear and test my testimony and report their view if different, supported with Scriptures. Today, people are afraid to speak to each other. Today, too many think words offend or are fighting words. It is so sad that it is hard to find hungry bible students who read their Bible cover each year and have time to study.

The greatest need for believers today Is FEAR OF THE ALMIGHTY FATHER. Yes, I fully understand. An older, mature woman just told me she can't read Revelation because it is terrible news, which causes her to be afraid. The Prophet is right: Many will be lost for lack of knowledge.

Before this Prophecy study, the Father appointed me to study the Creator's Calendar from January 2012 to November 2019. Without that knowledge, I would not have understood what an "hour" or half hour" was in prophetic time in Revelation or in Genesis 6:3 that 120 years was a prophetic number, not what we had understood for years.
I'm sorry this was so long. Many will not read to the End. I love all the sheep and want everyone on the right path with fixed eyes on Jesus. There is no time to take a wrong turn. Probation will close much sooner than the Adventists are teaching, which is a heavy burden I carry. Mr. Milller correctly says that the nation ended when Jesus moved into the Most Holy Pronded. He was accurate, but it was yet to be the right time to be appointed.
He found this understanding knowing when the High Priest in the earthly service was in the Most Holy, no Israelite was allowed to confess a sin, and no morning and evening lamb was allowed at that same time. When the FATHER AND LAMB move into the Temple's Most Holy, the books that are opened are the Seven Scrolls, each with a Seal handed down by the Almighty Judge. This is the "Judgment that is set" in the middle of Daniel chapter 7 and the same event in Revelation chapter 4. We see the Father moving from the Throne in the Holy City, where both sit side by side (Rev. 22:1-3), and see Jesus being flown on a cloud of heaven to join the Father in the Most Holy in Dan. 7 and in Rev. 5.

Time is so short.P. Pray for your sins to be forgiven, for the time of the End is upon us. For many, it may be too late to get ready. Fill up your oil; the door will soon shut, and no man will open it (Rev. 3:7).


EGW lived Jesus, and her fruits bear written evidence that she was the real thing. The last chapters of the Great Controversy can be seen happening now.


Everyone will be giving acciunt to God for themself so im spending my time getting to know and making sure who I am in Christ Jesus.


Sis White and the others has fulfilled their purpose on earth, they are now resting peacefull awaiting Christ return. Let us be concerned about ourself that we will do the same that we'll be ready if we die soon or live to see Jesus return. Pray it will be well with my soul. We'll not hear come thou messenger or prophet ot prophetess we'll hear "Come thiu good n faithful Servant enter into tge Joy of thy Salvation.". Amen


@BroLawrence Thank you for this video. 🌼🤗


E G WHITE wtote so many books and some are being used in schools and also in the medical field today. Why is there so much doubt sbout her writings and who she was? Is there jealousy involved ? I urge those who think and say she is a liar and whatever to read her books and you will think differently. She has passed the Biblical test of being a trye prophetess. God bless and try the books you will love them.


E. G. White is a true prophet looking at her a grade 3 education, writing all those books, let people read her books and they will not remain the same.


Most people who claim she’s a false prophetess, is because they haven’t read her books.


Her books are alittle light to the bigger light .
That is the
