My Boyfriend Lets Me 'Cheat' On Him | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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ZOE Grey, 31, and Matt, 36, from Cambridge, UK have been together for four years. Early on in their relationship, Matt suggested to Zoe that she could start sleeping with other men. For him, this was a way to create honesty in their partnership, as she would always send him photos and videos of the encounters. He explained: "When [she] agreed to it, I was happy, because I’d been cheated on, so I was quite happy to find someone who wasn’t gonna cheat behind my back." After a while with this arrangement, Zoe came to Matt with the idea of him sleeping with other women. "I never wanted to sleep with anyone else, at all," Matt told Truly. "[Zoe] just said, 'I want to watch you do it'." The couple now goes to swinging parties together to meet like-minded people. "I wouldn’t say I’ve never been jealous," Matt admitted. "But it’s quite a nice feeling, even though it’s jealousy, because at the end of the day you know you’re included, you’re coming home to me." Zoe used to work as a beautician, but after the lockdown prevented her day job Matt suggested that she started making OnlyFans content. Now she works in the adult industry and enjoys her new lifestyle. "My job consists of a lot of selfies. I do a little bit of filming each day for OnlyFans, sometimes I’ll work with other creators." Matt’s role of helping out is taking photos and videos for her page. Their unconventional set-up has caused raised eyebrows from people around them. "A lot of people sit there and think it’s a form of cheating. I had one friend who questioned if we actually loved each other," Zoe said. However, this doesn't deter them from their new dynamic: "We have so much fun in our life. It’s hard to say whether we would go back to a traditional relationship. Right now, I would say no."

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Videographer: Tayo Yusuff
Producers: Kathryn Lewsey, Kate Moore
Editor: Garry Sykes

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It’s literally okay to be single, I promise.. scout’s honor 👌🏽


Bringing children into this situation is cruel, selfish, and sick. Children crave and require boundaries and feel anxious when they are absent and they will constantly feel scared, off-balance, and unhappy.


This is a perfect example of what too much porn does to your brain.


Let's not get it twisted. This is NOT love but LUST. This won't last the test of time. Relationships like this always come to an end. Good luck


What’s the point of being in a relationship then 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


She might have fallen in love with him, like a bird or rabbit that falls in a trap, but she has clearly always loved herself, and I bet that’s the only person she truly loves.


That's not her boyfriend, that's her pimp.


I don't give a damn what society tries to push on people, I'll always say that if you can't control your sexual urges and you go outside the relationship to fulfill those wants, you are like a wild animal in heat and should be treated as such. There is 0 love here and if you think otherwise, you need a shrink to set you right. Or at least to stay away from any positions of authority/teaching roles


Back in the days we called this pimpin, or managing, he basically is pimping his girlfriend but through the trickery of wordplay it comes off new and hip and empowering and all the woke buzz words to veil whats actually going on 😂


Just two perverts who met each other....end of story


I'm laughing at the fact that they are standing in the kitchen trying to convince each other that their lifestyle is perfectly good and rational. He's nothing more than a pimp who has convinced her to do pr0n for his bidding, and she's so damn insecure that she's going along with it because she needs him around to help support the kids she's had with another man who left her so he doesn't leave her as well. Anyone who says this is a healthy relationship dynamic has rocks in their head. Eventually he will leave her for a younger model when the money dries up and she gets older or says she wants to stop. Also, this is going to be very embarrassing for the kids from this point on.


So he’s been turned into a “cuc” all because his wife gaslighted him too like it? This is horrifically sad. This man’s eyes speak a different story than his mouth.


Dude likes the taste of other men I guess😂


This is repulsive! Very odd behavior for a man. He’s got huge issues. And she’s just gross. 🤮 the whole arrangement is disgusting! But whatever makes people happy these days… strange people, strange times…


This is better than couples secretly cheating on each other


It's all fun and games until the eye herpes kicks in.


Remember sometimes broken people find other broken people to accept their broken pieces so they never have to fix anything and call it love lol😂...


It’s all good until someone doesn’t come home…just sayin’


She doesn't respect him because he is weak


Honestly if that’s what they wanna do who am I to judge but when they said they have kids, that shocked me😂 Like if it’s just the two of you you’re free to do whatever you want, but bringing kids into the mix..
