Lecture on the Early Church & Politics: Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

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Dr. Tim Mackie blows my mind. His insights are like a breath of fresh air blowing through our assumptions about what the Bible is and what it means. I am so happy to have found him and the Bible Project. Thank you, God for this great blessing!


Isn't it ironic that we are told to avoid talking about the two most important things in our existence, religion/God and politics/the Kingdom?


How are you guys doing? Are you with me? His fav punchline


Awesome thought; we're not always listening to the Bible we're using the Bible. Wow!!!
I love that!


1:23:06: 'It's not that Jesus wasn't forceful. It's that Jesus wasn't violent.'
1:24:54: "Jesus wasn't passive but he wasn't violent."
Love this!


I was raised in a Christian home and went to Sunday school and assembly every week and mid week. I have listened to zillions of sermons and lessons. I never heard about Grace or the Holy Spirit; just disconnected Biblical stories, and dos and don’ts. In my late twenties I left that denomination after hearing about grace and receiving the Holy Spirit. I was excommunicated from my childhood denomination and shunned by everyone I had known. Following Christ is truly the costly call. I have been on a journey, led by the Spirit seeking to be closer to the Lord, and have been listening to His voice for decades. I had been asking the Lord to teach me about prophecies, because all I had heard and read made no scriptural sense to me. They seem to contradict. Someone ( not a believer) sent me one of Tim Mackie’s lessons.Wow! It was the first time that the dots were connected. All the sermons and stories became one story. Tim Mackie brings all the books and stories of the scriptures into one unified message of the Almighty God, the King is coming, the King is here, the King is coming again to finalize His kingdom rule. Everything makes sense of life here, persecution is man’s extreme rebellion against His Kingdom rule. Suffering comes to the Messiah’s followers because human’s are self willed and egocentric, their own god/idol. This complete overview sets my focus even more toward working to encourage Godly relationship in my home, country and the world. I am so thankful that His anointing really does abide with us, teach us, and lead us closer to being the image of God we were created to be. Thank you Lord❣️
To those who are questioning how do we deal with politics, I suggest you read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, 20th Century Martyrs ( By Their Blood) and the books of Tom Doyle about how God is advancing His kingdom. It is estimated that 6 million Muslims are coming to Christ every year. They know that they will suffer and have a short life. They are bold in sharing Christ’s love with those who may cause their deaths. That is our calling. Someone said, ” When Jesus calls a man, He bids him “ Come and die…”


I really enjoy Tim's interactive relational intellect. Thank you for your depth and breadth.


The Bible project has been my catalyst to find and listen to Tim and his wonderfully unique style of explaining the bible's story.


So good. I’m going through some grief, but this quote really grabbed me:

“It’s this portrait—it’s actually somehow through suffering and sacrifice that God’s people end up in places of greatest influence ...it’s precisely when I try not to grab onto power through the ways that the world does is where the Spirit opens up opportunities for influence.”


Incredible!..the most Spirit-led presentation I have ever experienced on the subject of politics/government and our responsibility as followers of Christ...simply amazing..great job, Tim..kudos


You have truly been called by God, and I have never looked at the Bible the way you present it. I watch The Bible Project every day, and also donate monthly to it. You all are just amazing. Thank you so much!


28:25 to 30:10 is summarized perfectly. How these two words (righteousness and Justice) work together in Hebrew. Never knew that justice influences righteousness this way. Thanks for that!


His God given unique personality! Nice people are always smiling and kind and courteous. Are you with me? :)


I've watched a lot of Tim Mackie's teachings and this one is my FAVORITE so far. EXCELLENT!


Love this brother!! Our Lord bless his ministry!!♡♡♡


Violence is not necessarily the same thing as physical force. Violence violates. Physical force may or may not be a violation. For example, if one sees a man attacking a child with evidently murderous intent, attacking that man would not be violence, as his actions have forfeited his sovereign jurisdiction over his body in this circumstance. Therefore the line of sovereignty over his body is no longer in existence to be violated, it is then only physical force.


'Don't let your vote in a certain political process become a substitute for actually becoming personally engaged in our local church'
'Don't abdicate your responsibility by simply voting.'


Your insight into Scripture is profound and your manner of presenting it is so refreshing and engaging. God bless your efforts. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is benefitting! 😄


As children of God we don't run after power.. The HolySpirit goes before us and opens the door.


Voting is not typically a violation of anothers boundary. It is a statement from a very small state, the individual, that the kingdom consisting of that individual, is in agreement with this or that policy. This is especially true if one is voting for the option which most honours the freedom of the other kingdoms ( individuals).
