Labour leadership: Corbyn and Smith clash over party unity - BBC News

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Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith have clashed over party unity in the first Labour leadership campaign hustings. Mr Smith said the party was "fractured" and "splintered" and said Mr Corbyn had been unable to hold it together. Mr Corbyn said it was difficult for Mr Smith to complain "when you and others resigned from the shadow cabinet".
The rivals agreed on some points but Mr Smith said the Labour leader was unable to present a "credible government-in-waiting" to the wider country.

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Can't stand that Owen Smith, he's got lying eyes and a thin mouth, always a sign of an insincere person. He's another Tony Blair wants to get into No 10 just for the money. At least Corbyn is open and up front with his views.


At a time when Labour could of taken advantage of leaving the EU, they are trying stay as a united party. Labour are by far the most out of touch political party in the UK, next to the greens and Lib Dems.


Really think this package would fit well on Sky News.
Shameless misrepresentation of the nights events.


Owen Smith was no John Smith, Corbyn is Hasbyn (has been).


The revolt by labour MPs initially believing that leader Corbyn would be quickoy overwhelmed by the revolting large number of Labour Party MPs .'instead of Corbyn being convinced by the MPs who were not given the jsole say in labours leadrship, the Labour Party MPs failings from vastly over estimated there importance inthe Labour Party, the separate roles in leadership selection, changes and or constests that must be fully inclusive of each party sections .' LeaderShip Corbyn labour agreed of party has been unlike the leadership corybyn has obligations MPs leader Corbyn whose coping calm dignified standing firm further the leadrship Corbyn consultation which the role to leave leadership role from the best efforts of all revolting mps significant collective force unsuccessfully which was to force labour leader Corbyn l


In total, the MoD says that maintaining and sustained the UK's nuclear deterrent supports well over 30, 000 jobs.


Jeremy Corbyn is perfect for the opposition party, putting forward UK social issues & rightly, not supporting wars. Theresa May will be ok with him & I expect he will be that opposition leader for many years.
Owen Smith is full of bull e.g. wanting ridiculous wage councils for the few rather than logical higher minimum wage for All people & I expect he will remain full of bull for the remainder of his career


Let me think of a joke...

