No Mans Sky How To Make Units Fast (NMS Unit Guide 2024)

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Some of the best ways to make units in No Man's Sky 2024. How to make money fast in No Mans Sky Echoes update.
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06:52 I thought I was going mad when I first started. I found 144 million worth of stuff in my inventory and had no idea how it got there. Eventually I figured someone must have given me it but I didn't sell it for ages wondering if it was a mission item


The Anomaly part is so real...

The first run I played when I was running around the Anomaly, figuring out what things to do and which tech to unlock. And all of a sudden someone just ran past me and gave me a stack of item(forgot the name), and I got around 100M after I sold them...😅

Damn this community is too good to be true sometimes. Thanks whoever gave me that.


can confirm, random idea drops do happen. Now I know why I randomly got a full stack of fusion ignitors. It helped me out a lot, I was able to start buying stuff to allow me to buy more upgrades, and generally just explore the game. You might think half a billion dollars might ruin a playthrough, but with how much to there is to buy, it truly is an amazing gift.


Yooo spaceman if youre seeing this thank you SO MUCH. I was chilling in the anomaly and you just gave me over 1 billion units... you saved me much time dawg. You the GOAT


One thing you should have noted on the illegal cargo, is warping to another system, especially a high profit one, will net you WAY more than the amount showing when you highlight it in the Black Market pirate system, so take your illegal goods to a space station or trading post in another area that has more profit to sell them. It even tells you on the tooltip that illegal cargo nets more profit in other systems.


Thanks for the video. I just started getting into NMS. I always wanted to play it but never got around to it. It’s been pretty addicting.


Actually making money from mining seems to be the best.(if you ignore duping). It didn't seem like much until i crunched the numbers. Gold: 10 stacks of 4 miners each on S hotspot(40miners), yields 13.300 gold per hour. It takes some work to set it up with enough storage. (You need a LOT of ferrite dust for storage. 10stacks easy. I was getting like 3 stacks per 10 mins, shooting stuff with spaceship.)
Then the production of 40 miners equals to around 110.000.000 units per day. (normal pricing), this with vertical stacking and perfect positioning(which you can do if you watch a video on glitch wire building)

Then those 100m can easily become half a bilion in 20minutes flying stastion to station crashing markets, rebuying and reselling. Basicaly you spend some time seting up the mine and after that you passively collect. you spend like 30 mins a day to make half a bil. You just grab the gold from storage and fly to sell it, just that. If you double the miners you make even more.
I mean its good, yes?
I make so much money and i don't even have a freighter yet :D

edit: On a second note, i was wondering where do they get all those AI valves from. Duping makes sense now lol.


The last step happen to me years ago. If this was you, Thank You.


I got 3.5bilion units in ai valves on the anomaly in my 1st playtroug, it removes a bit of fun cus u just have infinit money basically


*Goes to a station and suddenly someone gives contraband goods in inventory.* o.o 'uh oh' xD But all good tips though. I've been using the chorine and oxygen method for making units. I have an oxygen gas farm and just get something like 180mil per day or something. Which is alright for doing nothing really. lol.


Best and most fun way to make Units is slapping a sentinal, flying into space and fighting off all the waves and then fight and destroy the Capital ship and then get the crashed ship and scrap lmao


Thanks for theVideo, got that Echo locater first try xD! keep up the good Work.


A few years ago when I was still on console, someone filled up my inventory with radon when I went afk on the anomaly


Someone gifted me 40 ai units Now i know how they got them!❤😂 so glad this happens


If you are brand new i recommend looking for a planet with ancient bones you can dig these up for easy starter money, while digging for bones dig up buried tech modules for blue prints and buy the survey device mod mineral extractor gas extractor and supply depot and look for a oxygen hotspot asap, collect oygen and refine it like the video says also keep a look out for curious deposits and try to have 2 bases for them you can teleport between them and farm nanites infinity, start and upgrade a settlement asap and get all s class scanner mods for extra cash sell crashed ships, you can also teleport to pirate system and smuggle items back to your base and sell them there for easy low cash but with multiple systems


I was on the other day and someone randomly gave me like almost 4mil worth of scrap which I thought was pretty cool. I’ll pay it forward when I get more into it since I’m new to the universe


I've never had someone give me anything in the anomoly. Probably because I don't have network turned on.


That's crazy. I had a stack of AI units and never really knew where they came from. I never even was able to thank whoever gave them to me. Sending out thanks to the random stranger that did that o7. Salute to you and the amazing community


Just change preference to "everything for free" (custom mode)... I first learned how to do everything in the game, then I changed this preference so I could skip the massive waste of time grinding to get to the things that I really wanted to exploring, base building, and ship hunting... Next up is creating building materials and items with Blender... This game is so much fun that it has me ignoring Star Citizen... Yeah, I said it... Lol... 🙂


"damnit I got too much stuff, here have it"
