Spiritual Gifts - Part 5 | A Step-by-Step Strategy for Discovering YOUR Gift!

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Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!"
How can you REALLY discover YOUR spiritual gift(s)? Now that we know what they are, how they work, in this video we closeout this series by giving you a step-by-step strategy for how you can discover your spiritual gifts. I hope you find this helpful! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The BEAT helps people grow spiritually by providing truth, training and teaching from the word of God.



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Hey BEAT family! This is the FINAL video in this series on Spiritual Gifts and I decided to make this one the most practical. Here is my advice on how you can discover your spiritual gift. Also, if you know your spiritual gift already...drop it in the comments below and let's celebrate you! Much love fam!


God's gift for me is Singing. I sing in my church choir an I love it. Also I love helping out in the church, cleaning or helping out in the kitchen.


Healing!! In the middle of my left hand feels like a buzzing going in inside my hand & when I pray for someone & laying hands on them my hand becomes like a hot fire in the middle of it, not only that but speaking GOD'S word to someone in FLA got healed of thyroid cancer!! & many many other healings ALL GLORY PRAISE & POWER TO GOD OUR FATHER & OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! through the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!


I'm five years late, but this series has helped give clarity as I'm reading and studying the daily devotional today. I've come across your channel with in the last few weeks and it has helped me. Thank you!!!!


I believe my gift is drumming. I enjoy giving God praise through this instrument. I play simply to give him praise for blessing me with the gift to be able to play. I love seeing people getting blessed by the choir and the music by just hearing a song and seeing them being blessed by what the song is saying.


I took the test and got:
1. Teacher
2. Giving
3. Mercy
After reading the descriptions it was incredible how perfectly they described me. Thanks man!


Evangelism. I love and receive joy sharing my story and I don’t care if I see someone messed up because I myself have been messed up! There is HOPE in JESUS CHRIST


I am a health worker and my Spiritual Gifts are very helpful when I deal with patients:
1. Mercy
2. Service
3. Giving


my gift is youth leadership; I encourage youths to come to God. I'm very young I'm in my teens but I love to talk to my peers about the love of God. And I feel so comfortable speaking with them. They just simply fall in love with God...


I don't know if you'd see this Brother Allen but I deeply acknowledge and appreciate your gift of teaching. You're truly anointed by God for this. Such a blessing. May God continually replenish your head with oil as the psalmist said.


My spiritual gifts are generosity, mercy/kindness, leadership and service


i feel like telling people about the bible and about jesus and preaching is my gift


Pretty sure mine is knowledge because I've come across numerous situations and pieces of information that have challenged my faith that I've come to overcome either through examining the Word or learning from mentors


They have called me wise since a young boy in the church
The world called me Genius

The lord reveals to me the consequences & rewards of actions as he has to my father

But also ministering through music has been something God has blessed me with
I minister by allowing the listener in on the dialog between me & Christ that happens in spirit & is recreated on record


I think my spiritual gift is seeing visions through dreams.


My gifts:
1. Mercy-showing
2. Exhortation
3. Shepherding


Educate yourself 0:52
Examine Yourself 2:19
Explore different opportunities 3:55
Exercise your gift 4:57


I tried the gift of healing on my sister. Praissse God. My sisters pain in her tooth left. She actually shook me. I was just laughing and praising God. Woah but I have to keep praying.❤


my top three were mercy-showing, exhortation, and teaching


I have the gift of prophecy. The day I was saved a lot of terrible things were going on in my life and I wanted answers. I had never read the bible before and was coming to know Jesus was the truth. I cried out to God for truth in prayer and fasting and He gave me a vision of tribulation and wrath. I didn't even know what a vision was at the time so I was very confused. He also showed me some postive things in my personal life and something very negative (but God is good all of the time and knows exactly how we feel). Everything I saw was in accordance to His word and I had never before known these prophecies or any scripture at all so it isn't something I made up on my own. I've only had the one vision but I have dreams now. Sometimes they're random but the ones from Him are clear. He will sometimes have me encourage others and other times warn them. I'm pretty reluctant to follow through because I'm a shy person but everytime I obey I'm happy that I did. All the glory to God through Jesus Christ.
