SQLite? Why to use WAL?
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Journal mode
You probably want to configure SQLite to use
the journal mode WAL = Write Ahead Log
You do this by:
PRAGMA journal_mode = wal;
and you only need to do this once
What this does is it sacrifices a little bit of atomicity for a shit tonnes performance.
I always put this on.
I also heard there’s a new wal2
but I have no experience with this
But you should probably take a look at that
Journal mode
You probably want to configure SQLite to use
the journal mode WAL = Write Ahead Log
You do this by:
PRAGMA journal_mode = wal;
and you only need to do this once
What this does is it sacrifices a little bit of atomicity for a shit tonnes performance.
I always put this on.
I also heard there’s a new wal2
but I have no experience with this
But you should probably take a look at that
SQLite's WAL mode is fast fast
SQLite? Why to use WAL?
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