CtC Phantasm Stage Theme: Eternal Phantasmagoria

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CtC Phantasm Stage Theme: Eternal Phantasmagoria Eternal Phantasmagoria Suika notices Marisa had brought alone someone into the new world, but she doesn't know and decides to fight her to see who gets to .nnThis is the Phantasm Stage theme from the fanmade Touhou game published by danmaq, Touhou Mutsuigeki ~ Concealed the Conclusion Original: 月面ツアー .nnThis is another Gensokyo. It is not the Gensokyo that I am familiar with, but that doesn't matter, for the old home does not exist anywhere anymore. I swear .nnTrack 35 (Phantasm Stage Theme) Eternal Phantasmagoria Original Source: 大空魔術 ~ Magical Astronomy 01 Welcome to the Moon Tour 東方靈異伝 ~ Highly .nn