Write BETTER Django Models with Abstract Classes and Banish Code Duplication!

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Simplify Your Django Models with The Power of Abstract Classes!
Learn how to use abstract classes in Django to avoid code duplication and improve the maintainability of your models. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create an abstract base class with common fields and methods, and then inherit from this base class to create concrete models. You'll also learn how to use abstract classes to implement complex data models, such as inheritance hierarchies and multi-table inheritance. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to use abstract classes to write more modular and maintainable Django code

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Instead of using that property function you can specify parameter "related_name" in foreign key field for reverse relation


Better to do it through mixins instead of BasePost


Oh yes, a Comment is now a Post. Makes sense.
On a serious note, this is what's wrong with OOP, and it's always been like that. You see similar code, you extract it into one source without even thinking about the connections it has with the rest of the codebase.


The Code looks Cursed. But hey, if it works it works 😄


shieeet forgot that, abstract classes are not for polymorphysm but for encapsulation


but usually comments don't have title
