Java in 2018: Change is the Only Constant Keynote by Mark Reinhold

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In the past year, we changed Java in three ways that we never have before: We modularized the platform, we removed some components, and we accelerated the pace of new releases. These changes aim to keep Java vibrant in an ever-changing world of competing platforms and new styles of application deployment, whether to the cloud or to app stores. They are disruptive, but they’re not as scary as you may think, and many developers have already adjusted to them.

Mark Reinhold
From Oracle
Mark Reinhold is Chief Architect of the Java Platform Group at Oracle. His past contributions to the platform include character-stream readers and writers, reference objects, shutdown hooks, the NIO high-performance I/O APIs, library generification, service loaders, and the Jigsaw module system. Mark has held key leadership roles in every Java SE and JDK release since version 1.2, in 1998. He currently leads the JDK Project in the OpenJDK Community, where he also serves on the Governing Board. Mark holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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I take blue pill, i prefer to use java 8, i dont belive Oracle any more, people this is nuts, Oracle splitting the community in people who pay for bug fixes and in people who use opensource jdk only.
