Is Web3 all Hype? Top 10 Web 3.0 Questions & Answers

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#web3 #blockchain #webdev

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HashLips for NFTs @HashLipsAcademy
Nader Dabit for Web3 Wisdom @naderdabit

📚 Chapters

00:00 Web1 vs Web2 vs Web3
00:48 Is Web 3.0 all hype?
02:05 Do you need crypto to build dapps?
02:38 How do dapps work?
03:42 How does user authentication work?
04:12 What is a token or NFT?
05:33 How to build a Web3 Frontend?
06:45 How to build a Web3 Backend?
07:41 How do I test a dapp with Ethereum?
08:11 Do I store all data in the blockchain?
08:47 Where to start?

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🔖 Topics Covered

- Top 10 web3 questions
- Web Explained
- Building dapps on Ethereum blockchain
- Ethereum gas fees explained
- Web3 basics for beginners
- Web3 app architecture
- Fungible vs Non-Fungible Tokens
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loved the part : "So no need to worry about ethics or anything" 😂😂😂


Web 1 - Encyclopaedia, read only
Web 2 - Data from users, Interactive
Web 3 - wtf?


A year later. And yes, yes it was hype


Sir, thank you for having legit - practical dev content. It’s so refreshing to listen to your breakdowns.


It seems absurdly complicated and highly inefficient. It'll probably have it's place, but I don't imagine it'll ever go mainstream in the same way the current Web is.


As an experienced developer, it's humbling because it feels like you suddenly know nothing once again; As a student like me, it's overwhelming as well as inspiring to know there's much more yet to come :)


0:01 I almost spat the water I was drinking


With Web2 centralized and Web3 as decentralised, we've come full circle. I think there's place for both. Not all apps can be decentralised and vice-versa.


I have one big doubt about why Web 3.0 is unlikely to pan out in its ideal form.
1) People not in tech don't REALLY care about where their data goes and who has them. It's this abstract, intangible thing that just flies into the "aether" of Google and it gives them free services for it, so they don't care. _"After all, what's the worst they can do with this data? Show me ads, lol so what"._ Thing is, most people's data is in-fact just going to be used like this only, which is also manipulative but not too bad for most people. It's those Snowdens, journalists and activists of the world, who'll face the actual horror of the power of data in the wrong hands. It's these very few people, that keep the power in check. I think it's worth the problems for the rest of us to ensure they're safe in doing what they do, otherwise no-one is gonna do it.


So you're telling me that a bunch of geeks excited about new technology are promising utopia? I think I've heard this before and I know the ending.


This video was extremely helpful for me. I still find all of the new libraries/apps/paradigms confusing but I love that you have grouped them together here


Current state of web development: How to overcomplicate everything. There is so much option overload and "latest and greatest" that it makes making a large scale project, seem like an impossible task. "We're one month in, and now 230 versions behind, start over!"


There's too many problems with considering Blockchain as Web3 itself; From a large ecosystem transition to questions like how do I get paid. Relying on a system where rich people buy NFTs or FOMO people gamble with crypto (on abstracted crypto investing platforms) to get rich on fiat money (which is where all the hype/adoption is) doesn't feel like an actual transition. Ultimately, we'd need crypto to actually replace fiat money (not launder it) and the public to understand crypto enough to even have a chance of this Web3 vision. That's decades off, if at all.

ALL THAT SAID, love the channel and the right-to-the-point explanations in a digestible amount of time. It's a weird balance that actually works and somehow far better than the lengthier videos you'll find. I'll still watch the Web 3 tutorial regardless if I'll apply it or not, cause it's still good to know what's going on.


Why call it web 3 when you can keep calling them dapps? Web 2 is not going anywhere. Dapps are just an additional tool to do specific stuff in Web Development. Btw. Would appreciate if you do a video with the most popular existing dapps that are done with blockchain tech. All I see around is a bunch of exchanges to trade shitcoins or NFTs... would be cool to see examples of serious stuff (if such a thing exists).


"everything is a ponzi scheme, so no need to care about ethics" 😂😂 You're fire lately. Your channel is probably one of my favorites, because I agree with a lot of stuff you say, from software, to politics and even economics.


"Everything is a goddamn ponzi scheme" - Jeff 2021


Watched the whole video great job my portfolio is diverse, with investment in digital currencies, gold silver, but not as much as I want.would like to add a lot of low cap altcoins too, just not sure how to go about it or where to buy the coins. Diversifying my $420k portfolio across the market to withstand inflation is my goal can you help me?


Glad to see web 3 is the same as web 2. "Just import a bunch of libraries"


I'm still not sure why we need that much complexity, and relying on a variable cost network that is very inefficient, while cloud services are actually getting cheaper 🤷🏽‍♂️


Will transition to web 4.0💯🎯 when quantum computers successfully destroy web 3.0 🔥💥💥
