Who's 1 stranger you still remember? (Strangers Answer)

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“And tell me what your hearts thinking” ♥️


The woman in the purple hat has a beautiful soul.


I was crying in public and a guy walking past me made eye contact then stopped and stood beside me, I assumed he was also waiting for the train. After a few minutes he asked if I was okay and I said yes. And he was like “if it’s okay I will just wait here with you in case you need someone to talk to” and that made me cry even more. Eventually I pulled myself together and he left. That meant a lot to me. My family doesn’t care much about me or when I’m feeling down, so when I struggle, I struggle alone but seeing a complete stranger actually offering to listen to me made me feel less alone and valuable. I’ll never forget that.


On a short haul flight, a young man around mid twenties sat in a seat beside me. I don’t normally chat on flights but he seemed really anxious so I thought maybe talking might ease/distract him. We had a great chat. After some time, he admitted he never flew but was heading west for a final visit with family members. Turns out he had terminal cancer. I helped him find his next gate, he thanked me and asked for a hug. I still tear up to this day when I think about him. What a kind soul. He will impact my life forever.


That lady at the end was an angel on earth. And I mean that literally. I could feel her energy through my computer screen. What a beautiful soul.


god the first guy already broke my heart...What a strong mind


The last woman was speaking to the soul of Thoraya. How amazing it is that you got to meet your soul/older self in physical form. It was no coincidence that on your last day filming in Balboa Park, you got to meet her.


Imagine fighting someone saying "I'm a minister!!" 🤣😂🤣🤣


I will never forget the stranger I met at a pharmacy in 2019. I was a freshman in college and had just been violently sexually assaulted. I went to buy Plan B with the last 60ish dollars in my bank account. The woman behind me in line insisted on paying for it for me no matter how much I protested. I think she could just tell by my injuries that I'd been through something terrible. That small gesture absolutely broke me and healed me all at once and I will never forget her.


"There's plenty of yeses out there for you." What a beautiful line.


I'm sure the last sweet lady will be the stranger that you'll always remember ❤
She really has a bright light and a very beautiful soul... I wish more people could be like her 🙏🏻


I have 3 in mind.

I was a teenager and a drug addict living from one couch to the next.

This one day I was using in a laundry mat. It was below 15 outside. This homeless man was there. He gave me his gloves because I didn't have any. He was such a nice man. I'll always remember him.

Another person I remember. I was sitting against a building and a man came up(I wasn't begging for money) and gave me 20 dollars. And asked me how I got to this situation and about my story. He sat down and listened.

Another man allowed me to sleep on his couch. I didn't have a place to sleep that night and was below 0. His lady roommate when I was sleeping came up to me to pull my blanket back up over me when it fell on the floor. They have me cereal the next day before I left.

This April I'll be 10 years clean.
I remember all those nice people. I'm grateful for them.

And yes I don't recommend going into strangers houses I also been in bad situations because of it.


The first man, when she said "you have an opportunity now" the way his eyes were so sincere as he looked up gave me goosebumps


The guy who couldn’t pay for a $10 meal. It says a lot about him wanting to still take his gf out and a lot about her for having stayed with him regardless of his financial status. Those kinds of people are special. I hope they have many more years together


1. OMG what a beautiful soul, both you and that wonderful lady. Wow! 2. I have anxiety. I had to travel by myself to bury my mother four years ago. I was in the Atlanta airport, going through security. It was a madhouse. everyone is in a rush, the TSA agents are barking orders. I was going as fast as I could, but was on the verge of tears. It was so chaotic, the yelling, the banging of trays on the wheeled counter...it was all I could do to keep myself from finding a corner and curling up in the fetal position. God, I missed my husband. He's the one who keeps me in balance in situations like this. I finally made it through the chaos and sat on a bench to put my shoes on and the tears just spilled out of my eyes. It wasn't an ugly cry, just silent tears. A pudgy, white-haired older woman sat next to me. After a minute or so she handed me a tissue and took my hand. She didn't say a word, just sat there holding space. A few minutes went by and I stopped crying. She turned to me and said, "When you're ready, just let me know." I think we sat there for a good 10 minutes. She didn't ask any questions or try to cheer me up, she just sat there, holding my hand, waiting. When I was ready to go, I thanked her and asked for her name, "Marilyn, " she said, with a gleam in her eye. My mother's name was Marilyn.


there is one old man that i used to meet when i was going to work every morning. i was going downhill in my narrow street and he was going up with basic groceries, bread, newspaper, milk... we'd look at each other from distance, he had a really kind face, like you could tell he was a kind man. whenever we got closer he'd look down and avoid contact. so did i for a while. then one morning i decided i'd greet him. and i said good morning while he was looking down. he didn't respond or look up. it was a bit awkward. i was like maybe he didn't hear it. so i went on saying good morning the next day. again he didn't respond or look at me. normally i'd give up but in this case i just decided i will keep on wishing him good morning till he starts saying it back. and every morning i'd say it a bit louder and with a larger smile on my face. till one day he looked up, smiled and said good morning back. it made me so happy. and whenever we met after that day we smiled from afar when we saw each other and said a happy good morning. i think he's my stranger. i moved so i didn't see him for a while now. hope he's doing well.


I remember the first guy I spoke to when I arrived in London from France. I could barely speak english. I asked for directions outside Brixton station as I didn't have internet on my phone, I expected him to ignore me but he stopped, picked up his phone, searched on google map and let me take a picture of it while explaining me the way to go in details, as slowly as possible for me to understand.
His help at the very beginning of my trip made me feel instantly good in England.


“Well then you just cry. It’s okay.” ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Thoraya, the camera was on her (purple hat lady with amazingly welcoming eyes)but this segment was all yours. So beautiful! So so beautiful. This stranger has a light that is beyond description.❤


I was probably 18 and went to our local deli restaurant waiting for my to go order, when I noticed a little old lady sitting waiting to be seated. I figured she was meeting friends. They called her name rose table for one. For some reason I jumped up and asked if she wanted company, she said that would be lovely. So I told the front desk I would be eating my food there. We started chatting about little things then when the check was about to come. She said " you know my husband and I would come here every Wednesday for lunch, I just buried him last week." " I made myself come here knowing I would be eating alone, but my husband must have sent you for me." She then pulled out a big picture of him saying it was their last picture taken together when they were on a cruise. Tears were streaming down my face. I paid for her bill, we walked out and I never saw her again. I remember I was in a rush that day, and I still wonder why I had such a strong sense to not have this lady eat lunch alone. We had such a great time together talking, and it wasn't awkward or any uncomfortable silences. I think of rose often. She has probably passed now and is with her husband. It was a moment and feeling I won't ever forget. That voice or sixth sense inside you to do or not do something pulled me to her that day.


Thank you for doing what you do Thoraya
