New 2DS XL vs New 3DS XL...

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Today, Max will be humorously comparing the New 2DS XL and the New 3DS XL! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video!

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"Crusty 3ds xl" me with my regular 2ds dying for the upgrade.


i got a 2DS XL that can run minecraft and crap. its the same exact thing, just with out the 3D slider. I have had mine for 5 years and never sent it in for repair. got it off facebook marketplace on June 15, 2019. Best Purchase ever.


2ds xl is good for the value and especially if you won’t use 3d, but the new 3ds xl is definitely the better choice


I wanted a New 2DS XL because it kind of more portable and I didn't want 3D, but thanks to my friend who sold his jailbroken New 3DS XL for like 90$ in pretty good condition, it has minor scratches, but not critical


I thought I was the only one who had the game getting stuck issue 💀but I agree the new 3ds xl is better. When the n2ds first came out, id say it was the better option just cuz of the price but now they both go for around the same (overpriced) price on ebay so you might as well go with the n3ds. great vid!


The face tracking feature that the new 3ds xl has works really fine, also no other consoles gives you that 3d experience so I find it kind of cool.


If you buy a new 3ds xl make sure to also get a protective case cause the metal starts to peel off after a few months or years from your skin oils


Me who's always used a New 2DS XL for over 3 years with no problems: ☠☠


my sister has had her 2ds xl screen break a couple times, then mine had battery issues twice. replacing a 2ds xl battery SUCKS btw
i do prefer the lightweight of it since i love using it to draw, but man i hate that camera placement.
i just wish the n3ds xl had easy access to the sd card


Still have my New 3DS XL from launch day and it looks mint condition, even today it’s a fantastic console


Thank you for your help I needed to know which one was better


Watching this right after buying my dream 2DS XL feels cursed, Back in the day I owned the normal 2DS and I always hated the fact that it couldnt fold like the 3DS did. But since it was cheaper it was the way to go, but even after this video im still looking forward to my beloved foldable 2DS XL to deliver 😅


I've had my new 2ds XL for 3 years now, and I dropped it twice. It is perfectly fine, besides a little scratch, so I don't know why yours is so fragile. It might just be mine that's tougher for some reason, though.


Love my “new” 3DS, sometimes I wish I had the XL for comfort, but still the regular size works fantastic


As an owner of a DS Lite & NEW 3DS XL, I think ANY version of the DS/3DS family is a winner. The amount of games for the DS and the 3DS are astronomical. Can't play physical or virtual DS or 3DS games on a Switch.


I own the 2DS XL. The New 3DS XL is far better. The hinged design on the 2DS XL is odd with how it sticks out and isn't flush mixed in with the small stylus, annoying cartridge door, the speakers being at the bottom which makes it sound quieter even though it's stereo, and the loose hinge. However the loose hinge is by design, so the screen doesn't crack. I've heard stories, of people putting the 2DS XL in their pocket and taking it out only for the screen to still be cracked. Maybe they were bending down and putting stress on the screen for it to crack like that, but Idk. For sure, I would never put mine in my pocket. Always have mine in my case when walking around. I got my 2DS XL in 2019. It was the last batch and I got it for 100 dollars since they were trying to get rid of them in lieu of the Switch. Also, the 2DS XL costs 200 used you'll be lucky to even get it for 180.


the new 2ds xl was relased in july 28th, 2017


Ahhh I just bought a new 2DS as soo many new 3ds had the paint peeling! And the 2Ds won’t have that issue, glad to know I need to be careful with it when it arrives lol


2DSXL gang here... got the rare purple color version of it too!!


The top screen of the new 2ds xl looks like an iPhone 6
