YMG ADR World Tour - India (Day 2 session 1)

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This is an online series of events hosted by CIArb’s YMG, taking place between 23 – 24 February 2021. These events are part of the India leg of the YMG World Tour.
24 February 2021: Day 2 | Session 1:
The panel, a balance of general counsel and arbitration practitioners, will discuss challenges faced by businesses during the pandemic, and the road ahead. The discussion will also cover ADR from a business perspective, the scope of third-party funding and the importance of diversity in arbitral and counsel appointments.
Manish Lamba | GC, DLG Cyber City Developers
Sherina Petit| Head of India practice, Norton Rose Fulbright | India Chair, The Pledge
Debolina Partap | GC, Wockhardt Pharmaceuticals
Kartikey Mahajan MCIArb | Counsel, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas
Chinmayee Pendse MCIArb | Core Member, CIArb YMG, India
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) ADR World Tour:
Arbitration and Mediation as a Global Force for Good
Historically, during times of social, political and economic unrest, agility, disruption and reinvention, are often led by a new generation, capable of shaking up the status quo and finding new ways of conducting “old” business. Look no further than the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and affinity young practitioner “rockstars” who devote their time, skills, conscience, and efforts to instill arbitration and mediation as a global force for good.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) presents an international regional series of webinars and in-person conferences which highlight the unique importance and efficiency ADR plays in allowing the world’s economy to remain operative during times of great economic uncertainty. Perhaps no greater time of economic uncertainty has existed than today. Drawing from their intellectual wealth, toolkits and vast networks, the next generation of ADR practitioners have framed a global crisis into an opportunity.
24 February 2021: Day 2 | Session 1:
The panel, a balance of general counsel and arbitration practitioners, will discuss challenges faced by businesses during the pandemic, and the road ahead. The discussion will also cover ADR from a business perspective, the scope of third-party funding and the importance of diversity in arbitral and counsel appointments.
Manish Lamba | GC, DLG Cyber City Developers
Sherina Petit| Head of India practice, Norton Rose Fulbright | India Chair, The Pledge
Debolina Partap | GC, Wockhardt Pharmaceuticals
Kartikey Mahajan MCIArb | Counsel, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas
Chinmayee Pendse MCIArb | Core Member, CIArb YMG, India
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) ADR World Tour:
Arbitration and Mediation as a Global Force for Good
Historically, during times of social, political and economic unrest, agility, disruption and reinvention, are often led by a new generation, capable of shaking up the status quo and finding new ways of conducting “old” business. Look no further than the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and affinity young practitioner “rockstars” who devote their time, skills, conscience, and efforts to instill arbitration and mediation as a global force for good.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Young Members Group (YMG) presents an international regional series of webinars and in-person conferences which highlight the unique importance and efficiency ADR plays in allowing the world’s economy to remain operative during times of great economic uncertainty. Perhaps no greater time of economic uncertainty has existed than today. Drawing from their intellectual wealth, toolkits and vast networks, the next generation of ADR practitioners have framed a global crisis into an opportunity.