Rudolf Steiner: A Journey into Anthroposophy

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Academic overview of anthroposophical concepts? What did Rudolph Steiner believe? What is Anthroposophy? Anthroposophy explained.

Rudolf Steiner's Works


Clemen, C. 1924. Anthroposophy. The Journal of Religion. 4(3), pp.281–292.

00:00 Introduction: Steiner founder of Anthoposophy
01:00 Dr Puca introduces herself
01:10 What is Anthroposophy
03:01 Relationship to Theosophy
03:55 Body, soul and spirit
08:17 Akashic-records
09:01 Sevenfold man
11:26 The afterlife
13:38 Two Jesuses theory
15:48 The Lord’s Prayer
17:13 Support the Symposium

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⚠️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ⚠️

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I'm a 9th grader who goes in a Waldorf/Steiner high school.
I have been going in Waldorf school since first grade and my desire of knowledge about anthroposophy is very big. I know most people my age hate school, but I love it. thanks for the precious information. Looking forward to live my life at best thanks to knowledge. great video


I come from a small city in Italy where Biodynamic farming and wine making is huge and the positive results of such methods are definitely there in plane sight.


I am a huge Steiner fan as well as many other authors. Steiner resonates the most with me of any author from the occult world. My experience with the Anthroposophical Society was not a good one but it does not change my read of Steiner (they are very cultish yes but the experience is similar to most churches who come together for other reasons than knowledge and understanding). Steiner is susceptible to a lot of if you only read a few of his works. I have to admit I read something deeper each time I re-read Steiner especially after reading other Occult works. Steiner is one piece to the puzzle however he is a very big piece in my opinion. Thank you for doing this video Angela!


His contributions to the modern world are many. I started reading Steiner at 16, and it took me years to understand and accept some of his ideas, others not so much.


Thank you for this! I resonate strongly with Steiner and Anthroposophy!


Steiner never wanted people to fill themselves with all of his understandings.The last thing he said he wanted was to have a group of 'Steinerites' in the world. He gave instructions on how to meditate and he gave many lectures on what he found in his meditations. He didn't claim you had to believe any of it, search for yourself. He believed each must go their own way, not turn into encyclopedists of Steiner quotes. I've seen a number of comments that Steiner was a racist, I don't agree with that. He did believe in the evolution of consciousness and each group would move the human forward in history. But that doesn't mean a black man growing up in Europe wouldn't be just as intellectually capable as a white person in that society. He had many warnings about the rise of the industrial age, the imbalance of soul and technology, the separative ego and its damaging effect on Earth. We shouldn't be so willing to condemn on superficial knowledge and a few quotes found online. Steiner is not easy going. His style is a bit archaic and a person can easily feel lost in an ocean of strange concepts and words. You could start with contemporary writers who have taken Steiner into the modern era like Dennis Klocek 'The Seer's Handbook', Christopher Bamford's 'Start here', or Robert Sardello's 'Silence' or 'Heartfulness'. I moved away and came back to Steiner work for many years, it can seem outrageously exotic to many people. I suggest you use what you can... focusing, concentration, reverence, imagination, are the main components of growth in this work.. There are artists who revere Steiner who have very little understanding of Anthroposophical medicine, Anthroposophic doctors who know very little of Steiner's philosophy, biodynamic farmers who are happy to use what they can to grow healthy food and nourish living soil. Steiner gave the world a great deal, take what you can that fits best for your own needs.


It’s been a honor and blessing to come across Rudolf Steiner and his passionate research. He will find you when you are ready from the Collective Unconscious.


Just found you through the network of Esoterica, Religion For Breakfast, Seekers of Unity, Let's Talk Religion and The Modern Heremeticism. It's such a lovely breath of fresh air to find a thriving community of spiritually inclined YouTubers who aren't insane and approach the subject with the academic rigor it deserves. Thanks for your quality and much needed work

P.S: just thought of this now but as someone with migraines that include visual migraine aura which I can't believe I never put together literally has the word aura in it and could very well explain why some people can see auras and some can't: gotta have migraines!


Several people in the comments saying "Rudolf Steiner believes that..." / "Antroposophy says that..." when in fact they are just reproducing what critics who have never studied astrosophy deeply said. This is a problem that every area of ​​knowledge, whether scientific or esoteric, suffers from. Anyone who wants to understand something complex needs to invest a lot of study time to first understand a given epistemology and only then adhere to it or criticize it.


I'm also a philosophy and religion PhD and scholar of Jung, Steiner, and Western Esotericism. Well done on this video and explaining for others Steiner's great contribution to humankind. Love your videos :)


I've never really looked into Steiner much, but have been meaning to get around to him. Cheers!


Thank you for your overview of anthroposophy. You have done a nice job of outlining some of Steiner's key beliefs. However you have neglected to mention some of his less savory more problematic beliefs. Stiner believed that skin color was associated with a person's past karmic actions and believed that white skin was an indication of a higher level of enlightenment. He also viewd disability in a similar way.

He also thought less of non Anthrophosophists and believed that it was morally acceptable to hide the anthroposophic ideas that which directed Waldorf education. Thus denying parents informed consent when enrolling children in Waldorf schools. He also believed that the parents were dangerous to the children as they exposed them to modern technology and ideas that were harmful to their spiritual development. And he believed that children chose their teachers in the pre-existence, therefore he believed it was acceptable for teachers to supplant the role of parents.

All of these ideas are alive and well in. Waldorf education and other anthroposophic institutions. Many reguard anthroposophy as a cult, including the French government which has listed is as a sectarian group.

While I appreciate your overview of Stiner, I do think it is important to discuss the more negative aspects of a person's ideas in addition to the more positive or interesting parts.


Beautiful work as always, Doctor!! I've done some reading and listening to his material. Definitely a major force in creating a modern spiritual movement.


Great video!
The concept of biodynamic agriculture is very interesting. (There’s a cafe in London that sells biodynamic coffee…and it’s the best for sure)


Very interesting - I'd only known of the overlap between anthroposophy and the volkisch movements that spawned nazism later on, so this was informative: there was much more to Steiner's ideas.


I once attended a Rudolph Steiner-'Waldorf' school. This was from the fall of 1970 to the winter of 1971. Judy Collins' kid sister, Holly Ann, was one of my classmates. At the time, Judy had a top 20 hit with her version of 'Amazing Grace'. Also, at the time, my late older brother was a touring musician, and as guitarist for The Buddy Miles Band had toured with Jimi Hendrix. It was also at that time that my brother met Herbie Worthington, who would later go on to be the principal photographer for Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks. Who also attended a Rudolf Steiner-'Waldorf' school was (drum roll, please): Mick Fleetwood!


I really like him. He explains all the areas really deeply and gives a very good perspective of al including economy agriculture etc. Maybe if we followed him societu would really improve


I actually found someone talking about Rudolph Steiner! 💙


Thank you for talking about Rudolf Steiner. Him talking about Lucifer and Ahriman can relate to Jung and others too. Andrei Tarkovsky actually was inspired by him too
