Teaberry or American Wintergreen (inspiration for Teaberry gum)

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Teaberry 0r American Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) was the inspiration for David Clark founder of the Clark Candy Company. From Alleghany Pennsylvania, Clark wanted to capture this flavor in his Teaberry gum, first marketed in early 1900's. It reached greatest popularity in the 1960's. It still has a cult following today! This native plant can be found in acidic soils where blueberry, rhododendron, and mountain laurel also grow. I you see any of those three plants you are likely to see Teaberry as well. It is a low growing plant and technically a "shrub" because of its woody rhizome. It will spread across the ground by this rhizome. It may only produce 2 to 5 leaves in a year's growth and one or two red berries. The leaves are small round and leathery and have a succulent-like feel to them. The scent and flavor in the leaves is oil of wintergreen or methyl salicylate a compound related to asprin. Concentrated oil of wintergreen can be toxic and anyone allergic to asparin should not consume this because of its biochemical similarity to asparin (salicylic acid). This episode like my channel is to teach and educate people in going outdoors and learning about the plants and animals in their environment! I am all about natural history education and nature ' environmental education through hands-on learning outdoors.
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Teaberry ice cream is still my favorite! It was also my great grandfather's. Definitely goes back a ways


My grandmother used to pick teaberry leaves for me to try! Tastes just like the gum.


My grandmother grew up in a coal camp up a holler in Kanawha County, West Virginia. She introduced me to teaberry when I was a youngster. She called it Mountain Tea. My grandfather took me on walks in late August to pick Pawpaws. To this day, I love both fruits, and their tastes bring back warm memories.


There was a spot back in the woods where I grew up that had lots of wintergreen growing. Each year mom and dad would go hunting cedar to cut for kindling with me in tow. They had burlap feed sacks to carry it back home. But my sack held all the wonders of the trip. Nuts, berries etc. I loved getting to eat those red berries and chewing on the leaves. I love the smell of them and wild ginger.


Thanks Frank. Wintergreen is a SEEDS camp favorite!


I grew up calling it checkerberry, in the woods of New England. Love that stuff.


Every time I learn something new. Thank you


i just saw some teaberry gum in the store-was contemplating getting some-i tried it when i was young--loved it, had no idea it was really from a plant...i picked wintergreen at my grandparents all the time--i want some.


Hello Frank, thank you sooo very much for taking us on the hike on your beautiful property ! The teaberry reminds me how much i love teaberry ice cream! Nice video! See u soon! Take care


Just subscribed. Teaberry grows in our region around Scranton, Pa. My parents told me about it, but I've only ever had the gum which I like very much. It's hard to find anymore.
I would have liked to see you eat one of the teaberries.


Hi Frank 😊 I also looked it up in my area, which would be further north of IL. So it's a no go.
I have a woodland garden area in my back yard. It would be the perfect area for, if it were here. I wish it were! It's a good looking plant. I read there is another species in this genus, the Creeping Snowberry, with white berry like fruits and smaller leaves. I appreciate your adding Teaberry gum, reminiscent of my childhood, as my Mama would buy at times. Off this topic but, I have several critters to observe passing through, lots of various birds (which is my garden theme as I do feed) plus, I have turkeys in my area. Unfortunately for me, our warm season is short, as I love sitting on my deck to observe it all .. with a glass of evening wine, which doesn't hurt! Nature at its best! Cheers with thanks 😊


I never tried the gum and hadn't imagined it to be a mint-like flavor. I'll have to look for and the plant.


I LOVE Teaberry ice cream, Heislers Dairy makes it down the road from me, favorite on a hot summer day. Also used to chew on the leaves as a kid.


Loved this one also Frank, I'm from PA, about 25 miles east of Pittsburgh, I'm very familiar with the Clark building


I love that you share your knowledge in such a thoughtful way! I live in the mountains of western North Carolina at 2700 feet as well! I will be looking for walk the trails now with a greater purpose other than just the destination! Keep up the good work!


Hey neighbor I'm in Wythe County. 😅 my grandma used to put them on her cakes .


When I was a little girl about 57 years ago my father would have a Thursday night poker game, one of the men that would attend brought gum for my 3 sisters an I, the gum was teaberry, blackjack or juicy fruit :) thx for sparkling a great memory ✨


Is the ice cream/ gum flavored with the berries or the leaves?


We call then checkerberries in New Hampshire.


Please sometime do an episode on saw tooth oak.
