Hearing Adjourned: Defendant Was at Home of Witness - Ep. 7.342

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The court figured it out pretty quickly - and the defendant's bond was canceled.
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Thanks for pulling out your handy map of Michigan


During my 34 years of taking reports and arresting suspects, I had many victims go back with the suspect the next week. Some would come in and drop charges. Others just didn't show up for court. Even when they had orders to stay away from each other.
Zoom may be new, but this situation is very common.


Thanks for the courts for noticing what was happening. Those are some serious charges against him. He should be doing serious time now you the witness better have to answer questions about her part in the proceedings. Great work Steve as always.


I once got caught in a love triangle I didn't know I was in. The other guy assaulted my girlfriend and I went to help her and he got convicted of domestic violence and the idiot Macomb County Prosecutors charged me with assaulting him even though it was perfectly legal for me to help her in self-defense. I proved to that judge that he had contacted her four hundred times in violation of his probation and all the judge did was yell at the guy and fine him $100. So kudos to the judge in the case that Steve just described for putting the guy in jail in violation of his bond. That sounds like a good judge.


This was just on the radio this morning, they actually played the audio from the court meeting.


Domestic violence cases are always the worst.


I wish the judge who signed away that lady's rights in Santa Fe had been this observant, or interested.


The judge defendant to take a picture of the address reminds me of when my daughter would spend the night at a friend's house. I called her on her cell phone one night while she was at a friend's house and asked her to go to the front door. She asked me why I told her I'm parked out front I want to see your face. She asked me if I didn't trust her it's not about trust it's me with nothing to do. She came to the door I waved and drove off. I did this with all my three kids boy and girls. They quickly learned that I I might just pop up at any time.


I watched both the hearing that got adjourned and the preliminary one where the judge told the defendant off for not even contacting his court appointed lawyer. The defendant even said he wasn't taking it seriously during that session. Like dude, for real?

I'm glad the prosecutor picked up on the body language the witness was giving off and that the prosecutor's office and the police had coordinated to have police on standby at her home.

The judge actually said in a recent stream that he's going to see if there's a way to get felony defendants to be required to be present at the courthouse to prevent things like this as well as poor connection and people not taking court seriously. They already have a way for people that can't use a phone or computer to attend to attend from a conference room in the courthouse, and he actually thanked a guy that attended by doing that because he wouldn't have been able to attend otherwise. The judge appreciated the effort taken.


Well done to the prosecutor, judge and police for realising what was going on so quickly. It could of ended really badly.


Trials on youtube is now quite common. Most jurisdictions have to make hearings open to the public and YT is the easiest way while hearings are on zoom. Kudos to the prosecutor for picking up on it and the police for being so quick.


Imagine how much more safety and support some witnesses can have at home to testify.


I saw this live and it was very scary and creepy situation. That poor lady was scared to death until they figured it out and got cops to the house. That asst. prosecutor and judge need to to praised for their execelent actions. This took place live on Judge Middleton's You Tube channel. Here is the link to the event live.


I always told my clients “you are making a decision which will determine who you wake up next to for a while.”


So I did a little research. It turns out that the police and the prosecutor decided to use the livestreamed hearing as a *set-up.* They had prior knowledge that he was at the defendants address, and just wanted to insure bond revocation with their timing.


The low flying owl tagline reminded me of a thing that occurred several decades ago. The guy I worked with was driving a car hauler with a windshield that was made of two panes of glass. A large owl hit the passenger side of the windshield knocking it and the deceased owl into the cab. He was displaying the owl in the back of his pickup---it's wingspan was wider than his truck.


The Lawyer Dog sign is priceless! I love it.


I saw the video, the people involved were very quick on their feet. The police were practically there as soon as she said the address.


This is so very interesting. All the defendant had to do was be at a different location, and they could not even do that. Next time he goes before the judge. There will be well deserved hell to pay. Great video thank you


Naw, she changed her mind, she forgives him, everything is OK.
