Lifeweaver Guide | 5 Tips to DOMINATE as LIFEWEAVER in Overwatch 2 Ranked

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It's been 2 weeks since Lifeweaver's initial release and that means he has finally been released into ranked today! No amount of quickplay is enough to make sure that you are 100% ready to carry in ranked. So, before you get ready to step into your first ranked game, learn from the pros how to really play the character in a coordinated setting. Here are 5 Tips to DOMINATE as Lifeweaver in Ranked!
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Chapter Markers
Intro - 0:00
Credentials - 0:16
Tip 1: Tempo - 0:44
Tip 2: Healing and Damage - 2:28
Tip 3: Petal Platform - 3:25
Tip 4: Life Grip - 5:07
Tip 5: Tree of Life - 7:22
Subscribe and Check Out the U2GM! - 8:30
Outro - 8:46
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The hardest part about life weaver is gonna be your teammates knowing the tempo with a LW in the team and how their play style needs to be to maximize his effectiveness because otherwise you’ll just have a very useless support. So to all the LW players out there in comp, it’s ok to swap if you see your team not know how to play with a LW!


I had 24k healing/7k dmg as a lw on my last, quite dynamic match and inmust say - playing him stressfull but also so much fun!


People are sleeping on this character a lot. To me this is a high skilled character were you get the best of out of it according to your experience and knowledge of the game. I just had to purchase the BP due to him, coming from Dota 2 and Apex his skills and mindset are totally different from any other support we have in Overwatch 2.

Thanks for the video, it really helped me.


A fun character combo is Lifeweaver with Symmetra. When you use a Tree Of Life, Sym can attach her turrets to the upper regions of the tree. The lighting and particle effects of the tree are very distracting and it’s hard for the enemy to figure out where the turrets are.


Ive been putting the platform under trapped teammates to save them. Always gets a thank you


Mostly I use life girp to either pull people to protect them, pull people to higher places to heal them quickly or pull someone where I need them (E.g) pulling the rhein onto the point during overtime before I die(which he then leaves causing us to lose .


The Sigma Ult Counter is a huge tip ty


Thank you for the tips! Went from bronze to gold with your help. Soon i'll limb higher


Saw some good Ground Dashes that helped a lot. Original settings seem to have a slight advantage with that tbh


You can also block the dmg from junkrat and dva ultimate if you time the life grip correctly


I knew LW was going to be so op after using him for 1 day. I now main him and continue to get better everyday. Great video btw


What a beautiful character. I wonder if he’s seen as low carry potential partially because he’s so utility based. The metal brackets are full of players who obsess over the scoreboard and don’t pay attention to space control and utility so it’s probably hard to synergize with them. I also wonder if the general player base is playing him too focused on straight heal and poking and don’t realize that the key utility plays are more important in bringing home the win.


I play him very carefully because there are times when you pull people at the inappropriate time. I think they should give healing to his pull and maybe damage buff when on the platform. His abilities are too situational to justify


Hello what is your lifeweaver cross hair settings?


Hrs really good at getting the most out of characters like Doom, Queen Hog Genji weaker characters that can use the pull as part if their kit. If you don't have dive characters he's not as good and it's hard to use him on control maps I find most success with him on payload and push. He's a fun character.


Your a tough broo sheesh amazing gameplay


i hope they re-work his heals and ult. i have 10 hours played on him, im an ana main and i went from plat 2 to gold 5 ever since i started playing him. he has a potential of being good if they re-work or buff him. but sadly he does lack compared to other supports. hell, brig is better than him and that pains to admit lol


Main Lucio and need a second op do u recommend life weaver


his healing is about 65 hps when charging to full, not including reloading, it it takes 0.5 seconds to reach 32.5 would it not be exactly the same hps regardless of charge?


It’s also easy to pull people off point at the end I had that happened to me and we lost.
