I Simulated A Billion Lions VS 1 of Every Pokemon

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A bunch of credits:
@smithplayspokemon and his team for the original simulator code
-also shoutout to pokerogue for some of the sprites used
0:00 - Lions VS Pokemon
5:42 - Manscaped
6:26 - Lions VS Pokemon Pt. 2
#pokemon #pokemonsimulator #lionsvspokemon
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the biggest problem with your simulation is that you turned the lions into pokemon. It stopped being pokemon vs 1 billion lions, it became the pokemon vs 1 billion pokemon.


you see, despite the fact that you state that it's not a pokemon battle, you simulate it as if it's a pokemon battle


> Says it's like infinite wild encounters
> Stats don't reset after each KO, recharge turns still happen


This isn't even pokemon vs lions, it's one of each pokemon vs a level 50 litleo in a single battle


The entire debate is basically: How much can you nerf Pokémon for them still to win


its kinda funny how you gave the lions pokemon stats, pokemon moves, pokemon abilities, and made sure they could hit every type- hey wait a minute…


came here expecting charisse’s and rayquaza to be like flying over a billion lions shooting shit out there mouth, instead the lions became pokémon and waited in a single file line to attack


Interestingly, through these rules, you need only one pokemon to win: Gallade. Gallade can learn Drain Punch, Recycle, and Swords Dance (and is one of the only pokemon to do so). Using Swords Dance to set up, he only need guarantee that he doesn't die on the first three turns. He out speeds the lions, instantly KOs with drain punch, which heals him, and then when he consumes his leppa berry he has more drain punches. He is an eternal lion-killing machine.


The problem with giving lions a moveset is the fact that a normal lion won't be dealing dark type damage if it bites something. Like pokemon can bite food and other things but still not know the attack bite. So shedinja would be untouchable and good luck fighting a ghost


How polite of the lions to wait in single file lines


Bro massively upscaled lions to pokemon levels and then proceeded to act like real world lions are that powerful


I’m going to be honest. I’m all for team Lion, but there are so many issues with simulating this. The first of them being, Lions don’t have a “type.” Their bite isn’t the same bite as the dark type move “bite.” Ghosts would absolutely be immune to a lion. Full stop. That also means I would say that ghost moves would affect lions, fighting moves would not be super effective, and lions wouldn’t get stab or a type boost to their moves. It would be a simple straight damage.

Also, I think the size of the Mon and what it’s made of play a role in this as well. We have literal boulders and mountains as Pokemon. A lion’s bite would do next to nothing. I’m not convinced that 100 lions all attacking at the same time could kill a golem. I’m just not. Like, they might be able to bite its legs off or something, but unless golem actually bleed and have the ability to bleed out, then that’s ALL they could do. Meanwhile, rollout doesn’t require legs and would eventually kill the lions.

Another thing is explosion damage. When you showed the registeel exploding, it made me think about my main issue with this, and that’s that it’s not on a battlefield where everyone is fighting at once. Explosion on a battlefield would be so much more catastrophic to the lions if Registeel went into the middle of 1, 000 lions and just exploded. That would 100% work and it would take all of them out. Being on a full battlefield might also be in the lion’s favor because they have the numbers to overwhelm so many Pokemon. Like, if it’s not faster than the lions, they wouldn’t even get an attack off.

So I think I talked myself into a different opinion. I think this battle would consist of lions killing everything that isn’t unbitable like ghosts and mountains and boulders and icebergs and steel buildings or whatever… and then all of those mons could just exploded or something to kill as many as possible. So I think it would be an insane battle, but Pokemon would come out on top, unless the Pokemon use up all their PP.

If they don’t have the PP to finish, the Pokemon would struggle themselves to death, but at least I think what I’m imagining would be a fairer battle


I was expecting registeel to have KO’ed the most lions, but I spit out my drink when you said “gave his own life”, because I KNEW it meant he would explode 😂


to be fair you made every single lion a Littleo, and it's hella unfair to give the pokemon game stats then boost the lions irl stats to stats beyond that, which made it go from 1 billion lions against around 1K pokemon to 1 billion littleos against around 1K pokemon


Everyone's debating the logistics of the fight and meanwhile 3 minutes in before he even explains how it'll go down i'm like "what the fuck do you mean NO animal has topped this bite force, have you entirely forgotten about crocodilians, sharks, hippos, orcas and probably FUCKIN DINOSAURS ???"


This video has taught me that the crux of the lions vs Pokémon debate is entirely dependant on whether you use base your argument off of lore or base it off of game mechanics. In lore, there are totally Pokémon that can just create black holes or fly out of reach of the lions, or fire aoes that kill huge packs of lions all at once, but when using in-game mechanics they’re all forced into 1v1 battles and just allow themselves to get his instead of just, you know, FLYING.


I think the main problem with this is that you assumed that each Pokémon was basically fighting alone, and the lions were all fighting as a team, albeit one at a time. But if we were to assume that the Pokémon were all in a line like that it becomes pretty trivial for them to win. Just have a Pokémon to set up entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, and then have Pokémon that can outlast them like we saw with Tropius. I think this strategy would work even if you gave the lions the full stats of Pyroar. And you could obviously change the order of the Pokémon to utilize their strengths like Harvest Pokémon following Sun setters.


This is objectively one of the least likely ways a fight between every Pokémon and a billion lions would go down 😂


wolfe already did the math on a theoretical battle where all pokemon and lions on the field at the same time and worked out that kyogre and support pokemon one shot all the lions with absolutely no contest


Forget the 1 of every Pokémon vs a billion lions argument. I want to see 1025 Scraggy vs 1 billion lions
