How To Create a MONETIZABLE Movie Recap YouTube Channel - Full Tutorial with AI.

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Do you know you can create movie recap videos easily? NOT ONLY, you can monetize your channel without the fear of copyright strike? In this video, we go through the step-by-step process to create a movie recap, highlighting the dos and don'ts of the channel's nature.

Watch to the end, don't miss a step and I'd love to hear from you in the comment section. Below are other amazing videos to help you maximize te potentials of artificial intelligent;

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This was the best video I have ever seen on YouTube on this topic, thank you 👏


it's not because the video passes the copyright check that it means the video can be monetized. Youtube can still demonetize it for reused content even though there's no copyright issues related to the video. I'm glad I watched this video. I will try the 3 second thing seeing it it changes something for the reused content problem.


Girl, you're the real MVP! Thank you for this. Kindly make a video on how and where to download these movies. Thak you.


No Bullshit.
Straight to the point.
Detailed information.
You earned one subscriber.❤


Thanks for sharing these detailed information.. i have subscribed coz you really inspired me to start up my own recap channel. Let's see how it goes...


Hi, I made three trials today and individually uploaded the movie recaps three times, which were 2.53 minutes, 5 minutes, and 8 minutes long, respectively. In the three movie recaps uploaded, I changed the original film like this: inverting the clips, cutting the clips to 2 seconds, and adjusting the Temp, Hue, and Saturation. Now, the outcome is that YouTube can still detect copyright-protected content in the three videos but allow visibility, unlike yesterday's situation of visibility restriction. Based on the trials I made today, I judge that my videos can still be detected, including copyright-protected materials, maybe because the change I made to them is not enough yet. I should include more additions or alterations to the movie clips to avoid copyright detection. Next, I will include more modifications to the clips. These are my experiences as a starter in creating a movie recap channel; thanks.


social blade doesn't know if a channel is monetized or not and the money a channel earns on social blade is what it should make if the channel was monetized so we don't necessary know if those channels are monetized or not. Making views or million views doesn't say if you're monetized or not.


All is good and all your work is worth watching...but one thing is not filled completed which prompts details for logo and banner ? I think u firgot to mention in description.pls kindly mention.from that viewers use what are necrssary for them❤❤❤


If you could make a video on how to edit video on capcut step by steps. I mean detail explanation. All the videos i have seen always cut through that part. You will gather a lot of likes and subscriber if you will honest and make detail video about that.


bro i love your all videos
may god bless us all happiness and success


Why should we cut 3 second clips continuously, brother? And how to reduce the length of the movie, so the recap is just around 1/10 the original movie? I know there must be relation for these 2 tasks, but I don’t understand. Please explain to me. Thank you so much.


Amazing video, straight to the point but how do i actually get the movie scenes?


I made a 12-minute movie recap of Bumblebee (2018) and uploaded it to YouTube. However, no matter how I adjusted and edited the recap video, it couldn't pass the copyright check. In the movie recap I made, I mirrored the clip and cut it to a maximum of 3 seconds. So, the movie recap video may be really difficult to pass the copyright check.


Social blade shows copyright claim videos earnings as well....creators don't get that revenue goes to movie houses


1.1 million dollers in a year, Sounds good to me, I be doing, Creating an account, Do whats needed to be done, Rake the money in for the next 12 months time, Then become a secret millionaire and no ones know me, I beleive when I see it


Cutting the video every 3 seconds takes a lot of time. Is there a way to make it quick ? Or a software to edit it automatically ?


But how can I get movies on PC? plz tell me mam🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Please can you make a video or teach how to edit videos on capcut with mobile phone


Great video! I just received s strike on my channel fo an animal attacks video. I'm going to stick to my narrating movie reviews! If you'd ever want to collaborate in a pod cast let me know.


amazing, thank you. i want to do the same with manga and manhwa, would you be so kind as to make a video for it, or give tips here ?
