Image to Notepad Plus .WRT direct auto typer conversion software

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00:05-Opening the image folder given by data entry company
00:12-Showing the company given image
00:21-Showing that the text folder is empty
00:27-Opening the A to Z Notepad plus .WRT converter software
00:32-Selecting the image folder and text folder in A toZ .WRT converter software
00:39-Selecting the pattern as .WRT notepad plus
00:41-Selecting the Notepad plus data entry image file
00:43-A to Z Notepad .WRT converter software converting the image files into text files
00:58-after completing the conversion click on pause or stop
01:00-now started batch conversion
01:16-Showing the converted text files
01:19-Opening the image folder for comparing the lines
01:27-Opening the A to Z auto typer
01:30-Opening the company given notepad plus .wrt software
01:47-Selecting the text folder converted by A to Z Notepad plus converter
01:49-click on begin and place curser on notepad plus .WRT software
02:29-click on save to save the file into the notepad plus software the file can be save .WRT format
03:02-Showing the data which was auto typed
03:10-opening the image folder for checking the accuracy
03:19-thanks for watching,please subscribe our channel

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