Aston Spirit Mic Review / Test (Compared to AT2020, Origin, AKG C414 XLS)

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Today I review the Aston Spirit, a multi-pattern condenser microphone from Aston Microphones. This is a “modern” sounding mic that is popular because it offers a clear, detailed, and articulate sound. I also include a comparison to the Audio Technica AT2020, Neat King Bee, Aston Origin, Shure KSM44a, and AKG C414 XLS.

Buy the Aston Spirit (Affiliate Link)

Buy the Pop Filter Used (Stedman Proscreen 101) (Affiliate Link)

Buy the Focusrite 2i2 (3rd Gen)- Same Performance as 18i20 (Affiliate Link)

00:00 - Intro / Price / Disclaimer
00:26 - Setup
00:41 - What’s in the Box
01:11 - Build Quality / Walkthrough
02:09 - Specifications
02:34 - Polar Pattern Test (Tone / Rotation)
03:30 - Plosive Test
03:47 - High Pass Filter Demonstration
04:06 - Distance Test / Proximity Effect Test
04:22 - Background Noise Test
04:42 - Untreated Room Test
04:56 - Shock Mount Bump Test
05:12 - Mic Resonance Tap Test
05:25 - Audio Technica AT2020 Comparison
06:04 - Neat King Bee Comparison
06:34 - Aston Origin Comparison
07:14 - Shure KSM44a Comparison
07:54 - AKG C414 XLS Comparison
08:48 - Music Test
10:06 - Pros & Cons
11:39 - Overall Thoughts
14:14 - Recommendation
15:17 - Outro

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Got addicted to your show. Owning 5 mics later including coming the 103. From my terrible audio to better. It's my new thing, Keep up the good work.


I've been scouring the internet for a comprehensive review on this mic! You uploading this video is perfect timing! Thanks!!! :) Great work as always! Keep safe and sane! :D


I bought an Aston Origin, mostly for vocals, but also trumpet recording. After hearing the comparison videos between the Spirit and the Origin, I realized they actually did sound different. I like the Spirit's sound a small bit more, but I can mostly fake the difference in frequency response by engaging the "Air" setting on my Focusrite. It's not exact, but it's rare I need to sound like I recorded a platinum album anyway, so I don't think anyone would really notice even if I mentioned it.

I swapped out the SE Reflexion Space I was using with it for the Aston Halo. I wasn't convinced there'd be much of a difference, but the Halo actually takes care of more ceiling sound, since it has the overhang. It also acts more as a diffuser with the corrugated pattern, rather than the flat surfaces on the SE Reflexion.

You addressed the sag issue, which I'd heard a lot about. I opted for a $25 cheapo shockmount off Amazon that screws into the threading. I saved myself...a lot, in comparison to the Aston shock mount. I thought the texture on the black version would possibly alleviate the slippage, but...I guess not.

So far, I think you're the only person who's done an A/B video without any reverb and other processing, which Jesus Christ, I really appreciate.


I just discovered your channel and I have to admit, you make the most complete reviews in terms of scenarios! Thank you!


Dude it’s crazy how much this channel has grown, I remember you hitting 20k and thinking you made it. You’ve come so far😭


man does that mic sound so damn good, it looks absolutely gorgeous too.


So happy I got the Spirit over the Origin, definitely could hear a difference in your test. The Spirit sounds so much richer in tone, the Spirit is definitely the winner.


I owe you a thanks. These reviews and the Bandrew Says channel have helped me tremendously work on my own audio. Keep up the great work. It really helps others.


The C414 is my personal favourite for decades, but honestly the Aston sounds very nice to me.


Every time I see this mic I fall a little bit in love with it. That is one pretty piece of gear.


Thank you for yet another helpful review. Sonically, I think the Spirit compared extremely favourably against the far pricier AKG. Seemed to my ear that this microphone did far better on spoken word than guitar and vocals. For Voiceover, you could set it to figure eight if you wanted that warmer sound. Nice all-round mic. I do agree that it would have been interesting to hear it against the NT1, though. Nga Mihi


I have the Spirit and love it! For anyone finding the issue with sliding down the shock mount, if you wipe the mic down with a microfiber cloth, and the small pads on the mount, it will grip as it should. No more issues. Must be a small amount of production grease causing the slip.


Bandrew, you're a legend. Been waiting for this review, thank you!! Keep up the great work.


I think this is the best I've heard your voice Bandrew! Been waiting for the Element review since I was involved in the mic tests...and this is such a great sound in comparison. Would be great to see a bump test with the mic directly mounted on a stand, as I'm curious on the difference with a shock mount!


Man I binged your reviews when looking at mics and ended up with the origin being a brit! And its what I could afford but seriouslynjust appreciate all the review info. Its super worthwhile, cheers Bandrew !


I think the Spirit sounds great, and I preferred it to the comparison mics.


You did a wonderful job reviewing this Mic. Full of great information and demonstration to prove what you had claimed. I just sold my Origin and I was kicking myself BUT your review of this mic sold me on it. I thought the Spirit outshone even the more expensive mics you demoed ..Thank you for this and Terrific job, as usual !


The Spirit set in omni it's also quite a surprise. Almost like a different mic. Great video, as always!


would have loved to see the NT2-A in this comparison, since it's pretty close in price and also multi pattern. Thanks for the video as always ;D


Proud owner of an Aston Stealth. This one is next on my list. Great review as a always.

I do enjoy watching you freak out about the sticker 😂
