Taiwan reports community transmission of COVID-19

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For the first time since the start of the pandemic, Taiwan has reported the community transmission of COVID-19. The Central Epidemic Command Center announced seven domestic cases on Tuesday, six of whom have an unknown infection source. One of the six is a man in New Taipei, who has a long list of close contacts. The other five are connected to an amusement facility in Yilan called the Galaxy Baccarat.

Community transmission is here, says the CECC. On Tuesday, Taiwan reported seven domestic cases, the most in a single day since the start of the pandemic. Of greatest concern at present is that six of the cases have unknown sources of infection. Five of those six are a cluster connected to an entertainment facility in Yilan County. Four are employees and the other a customer.

Chen Shih-chung
Health minister
So far, there is no link that we can draw to any source of infection. Based on preliminary analysis, there is a very low chance that they are connected to the airline infections. We also confirmed their movements and there are no connections there.

In the wake of the outbreak, the entertainment facility and its entire building were disinfected. Case No. 1,202 – an employee at the amusement venue – experienced chills, a cough, a fever and other symptoms on Sunday and went to the hospital before being sent for COVID testing. Health officials then rushed to test those she had been in contact with. Three of her coworkers, as well as one regular customer, tested positive.

Chen Shih-chung
Health minister
These five cases from the arcade had no history of overseas travel. We will continue to investigate their recent activities to clarify the source of infection. In response to this incident, the facility is closed starting today.

The CECC said these cases would not have been detected, had it not been for the vigilance of healthcare professionals.

Philip Lo
CECC’s medical response division
The two cases, 1,202 and 1,211, had gone to the emergency ward of the same hospital. The cases were reported by the same doctor. It’s likely that a cluster was suspected – the medical team there was very much on high alert. So they qualify for our reporting bonus of NT$10,000 per case.

Voice of Kuo En-yueh
Camillian Saint Mary''s Hospital Luodong
It seemed that she was under a tremendous amount of pressure when she came to seek medical treatment. When she was replying to questions, I could sense her hesitation. But in the end, she did give truthful responses, on matters like the nature of her work. So I was able to make the assessment that this was someone in a high-risk group.

Another case with an unknown source of infection was found in New Taipei. Case No. 1,203, a man in his 60s, began experiencing fatigue, a cough, and chills last Friday. When he developed a fever that weekend, he sought medical care and was tested for COVID. So far 115 people have been listed as contacts of this new case. The CECC has released his recent whereabouts, which include a restaurant in Xinzhuang and a massage parlor in Luzhou.
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Wear you masks, watch your distance, wash your hands. Keep fighting!!🇹🇼
