Bosch Oberfräse GOF 1250 LCE - Alles im Griff, präzise und standfest
Epic "Save The World" music!
Any ideas where I can get the plastic lock adaptor for the base so it locks into the 32mm holes on the track? Base is on order, but can't find the little adaptor part... Uhg.
I have a Bosch 1617evspk router and Bosch FSN guide rail. Does the professional 1600Zadaptor work with the 1617 router?
I shoulda bought the Bosch. I coulda bought the Bosch and a bunch of other stuff for the price I paid for my router. No lights on mine either. Those lights really help when doing mortise work. Ugh!
I'm impressed to see the tracks still holding in place despite only having minimal contact with the work piece. Also didn't all feel a bit wobbly not having that much support under the tracks?
El sistema de aspiración es una porqueria,
La festool no suelta ni una viruta,
y para cartón yeso es imposible fresar una placa por el polvo que suelta, no aspira nada.