Solve With Me | Follow Along: How to Solve a MEDIUM Sudoku Puzzle - Episode 6

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E6: A start to finish MEDIUM Sudoku puzzle for you to follow along as I solve it. Episodes 1-5 are start to finish EASY level puzzles, you might want to check those out in the "Solve With Me Episodes" Playlist on my channel page:
This puzzle uses most of the strategies I’ve demonstrated in previous lessons, and as I solve it I’ll be thinking aloud and hopefully you’ll be thinking aloud along with me! Alright, lets get started!
After watching the video, check out these EXCELLENT Classic Sudoku Strategy Books:

If you are looking for more puzzles, you might want to check these out:

Check out all the other great Sudoku books on Amazon, and also make sure to visit the New York Times Puzzle page (its free)....and most of all, have fun!!!
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Great instructional video! Best I've found so far to help bridge the strategic skill set needed for the jump to medium level. Precisely what I've been looking for. "Solve along with me" was just the right pace. Thank you!


Love how you think outline aloud. It makes it easier to understand. Glad I found this page and please lets solve more actual puzzles together!


This was so helpful. Please do more of these "solve along with me" videos. I definitely learned a few new things and it helped solidify what you've already taught us. Most importantly, it validated for me that my "logic" and thought processes are on track. Thank you so much!


Love the way you explain things so logically. I am learning something for sure. Thank you.🙏


This was so great! You gave me some more terminology to use and some helpful strategies I didn’t know about. Just getting started and I feel like this is going to give me a huge leg up!


Following along works great for me. Episode 6 gave me a greater respect for matching airs.


One method that is so logical, easy to understand and I am totally convinced with the way it progresses.


The Snyder notation was helpful. I recently moved up to the medium puzzles, but was keeping it all in my head and not using any kind of notation. This has shaved down my time and made it easier. :)


Thanks a lot for a very helpful video !!!!❤❤❤❤❤


I really appreciate your stream of consciousness thinking and especially not covering up the mistakes. I really do learn with your style of exposing strategies and the various situations they show up. It really helps the pattern recognition. ❤❤


I find the solve with you ones very good and helpful. This was a nice mixed level too. Thanks.


Yes, I loved solving this with you! I also love that you you use different colors. Wish I could do that on the NYT puzzles. You are a wonderful Sudoku teacher!!


Thank you so much for all of these. I am following your lead to get to a higher level
Of sudoku so I had to reteach myself
A new method and I’m doing yours which has backpedaled me a bit because it’s all new. You do a great job of explaining and when you work through the levels of puzzles and tell what you are doing and why it is so helpful.


Loved this! Just what I needed to help me think through new strategies and up my game from the easy puzzle. I felt like I was learning this with a friend. Also loved the cicadas in the background 🙂


Love your videos. The pacing is great and your explanations very clear. The ‘solve along’ are great because it allows me to see the strategies and techniques you describe in your other videos put into practice. SO helpful.


Very helpful! I'm so glad I found you. Just what I needed to move past the easy puzzles and improve my game.


Omg this was extremely helpful. I have been doing the book version and on the medium part and having huge issues as I'm just learning so didn't know there was a technique or Snyder notation. Thank you explaining step by step. You have no idea how stuck and frustrated I was. Lol. This helped a lot. Your the best


6:23 when you were writing a pencil markings for the possible fives, i noticed the 5 on the fourth box and i immediately said out loud "wait wait but there's a five there-- you can just put the five on the 3rd row of the 5th box :"D "

My brother from the other side of the room was so confused as to what i was talking about WHAHSHSH

The videos where we solve together is kinda fun, i get to use the things i learned in it. I think it was much better than seeing examples on articles that were hard for me to comprehend


Your thinking aloud is so helpful. Thanks


Many thanks, you did a great job of explaining how you made each decision.

What's weird is, I have a book labeled, MEDIUM and it has fewer numbers on the puzzles than most medium grade puzzles on sudoku websites. Some only have two numbers in the block with nine boxes.
