Why Did The Soviet Union Fall?

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Twitter: @YaBoiHakim

Source: Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union by Keeran and Kenny

00:00 Introduction
01:00 Supposed Systemic Flaws
02:35 Popular Opposition
03:43 External Factors
07:50 Bureaucratic Counterrevolution
10:42 Lack of Democracy/Overcentralization
15:26 Gorbachev Factor
17:00 Conclusion
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Twitter: @YaBoiHakim
Apologies for the voice, I was sick when recording.

Source: Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union by Keeran and Kenny


I love when Hakim recommends a million books in one video.


Greeting from brazil! yesterday i had an essay about the use of midia as a weapon of war and used your video "You've never had an original thought" and got the best grade on the class and especially my teacher loved my presentation just wanted to say thank you hakim! you provide such usefull information where you wouldnt find online via normal sources


It’s ok Comrades! Hakim isn’t actually sick. He’s just keeping quiet in the basement to not alert JT that he’s online.


AS a russian who lived through fall of USSR, most people in the west have no idea, how horrible it was. MILLIONS DIED!


I don't understand why so many people failed to predict the fall of the USSR, there were more than enough red flags


Clicked faster than Yeltsin marching his tank to the Soviet Assembly


Hakim, you don’t imagine how difficult and even painful to start watch this video.
USSR is my motherland, not Russia. This tragedy hurts me every day. They stole our past, present and future.


I think any honest understanding of the fall of the soviet union will have to understand that there wasn't any one factor that if different the soviet union would still be here. It was a mix of many factors both internal and external factors that contributed to the fall.


Clicked faster than Gorbachev ruining the Soviet economy


Honestly unfair of people to attribute to Gorbachev what were ultimately unavoidable circumstances. Consecutive poor seasons for rainfall leading to sustained shortages in most of the nut harvests over his duration as Secretary - it can hardly be surprising the census whether to ultimately dissolve the Union came back so poorly in Deez, Sücma and even most urban areas of Ligma


Thank you very much, Hakim! By the way, the opinion of one of the modern Russian Marxists is as follows:
"In a broad sense, the Soviet Union did not survive the consequences of World War II.  In four years, 27 million people died.  Therefore, specific tasks have come to the fore so that the country gets out, firstly, from the economic hole, and, secondly, from the demographic hole.  In such a situation, it was difficult to talk about building communism.
People who could have been engaged in building communism in the USSR, including the most educated Marxists, died (the largest number of volunteers was among the communists).
There was not only a demographic and economic hole, but also a monstrous theoretical failure, because Marxist-Leninist theoreticians at a particular moment in time became not as needed as specialists with a technical education.
The slow degradation of communism back into capitalism began.  In 1965, the concept of “profitability” was introduced, that is, the capitalist commodity economy returned.  Under communism, there can be no commodities.  Profitability signifies the emergence of a commodity economy; the law of value comes into operation.  Consequently, labor with surplus value appeared." (Klim Zhukov)
Unfortunately, leftists from different countries do not cooperate enough with each other. It would be important for me to promote not specific Russian Marxist historians (Klim Zhukov, Yegor Yakovlev) or economists (Oleg Komolov), but the very idea of ​​cooperation. Perhaps the opinion of such scholars and scientists will be interesting not so much in Europe or America, but in Asia and Africa.


Thank you, Hakim. The work you do is very important. The effort, reaearch, and labor you put into your videos is not lost on us, and I just want to extend my most genuine thanks to you and the people who help put these videos together. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you.


Was expecting the counterrevolution section to begin with Khrushchev not Gorby lol. The USSR was already on a long counterrevolutionary road by the time Gorby came around.


Regardless of its contribution to its collapse, the USSR was severely lacking in democratic & decentralized management. To say this is a cop-out because it doesn't take into account actual socialist experiments is itself a cop-out. It doesn't critically examine the nature of the State itself and how it is antithetical to socialist goals. The history of the Soviet Union DOES matter because it shows what happens when you delay communist organization in favor of developmentalism.


12:58 Oh man! You know this video is gonna get serious when Hakim busts out the Gorbachev Pizza Hut commercial!


The best book on the breakdown of the USSR is Perestroika: The Complete Collapse of Revisionism. by Harpal Brar in which he traces the fall to the victory of revisionism when Khrushchev took power.


The Soviet Union fell the same year my parents got married. Even a Union that strong couldn’t hold a candle to the union of my parents. They were forced to take the L. I love you mom and dad. 32 years strong


I know you need to have ads and I'm not making a "oH yOuR a CoMmUnIsT yEt yOu MoNeTiZe" comment but it's still funny to me because of how your voice changes to friendly and almost playful when you plug products and services and then immediately changes back to your real voice which is much more stern and serious.


As a leftist living in an ex-ussr country, I am very grateful to you for your channel. I feel very ostracized from the leftist, decolonial community here, because of the demonization of communism and ussr that exists in these communities. The decolonization community is, unfortunately, going in some petite nationalist bourgeoisie way and it's very disappointing.
