Ancient Computer: The 2,000-Year-Old Invention That Changed History

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This is the Anticythera machine. For those wondering.

-From Greece with love...


Someone clearly had a very good understanding of the cosmos, and an even better understanding of mathematics and able to put that understanding into a geared machine that could replicate/predict the movements of objects in the heavens. That would be no small accomplishment for someone today, it must have seemed downright miraculous to an observer back then.
Even if you are good enough with the math and movements of the heavens to plot it all out on a piece of paper, there was no machine shop with a CNC mill to send your gear specification descriptions to, all those things had to be made by hand out of hand forged bronze without the luxury of modern measuring equipment and modern measuring standards.
I am quite certain that that machine wasn't the first creation of the people that built it. There would have to be countless attempts (and successes) of less complicated mechanism learning before attempting all that, and certainly before getting it all correct in one machine. It's mind boggling to think about how difficult that must have been.
